
Thinkthat - Tell the world what you think.


Thinkthat is a fun way to share your thoughts, opinions and questions with the world. Stay up to date with what your friends are thinking. Vote on their Thinks to let them know what you think about it. Better yet, comment on their Thinks.

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Hi everyone! I'm excited to finally release Thinkthat. I've always been fascinated with people's opinions and thoughts. I'm the person that automatically scrolls to the product reviews and comments on news stories to read what people have to say. Thinkthat brings this obsession to life. Thinkthat allows users to share their opinions, thoughts, questions and anything else they want feedback on. Other users can vote and comment on their Thinks. You can only view the Thinks of people you follow. In that respect, your Thinks are confidential. I'll admit that for the moment, Thinkthat is basic. However, I wanted to introduce users to the fundamental feature of the App before I build on it. However, I'm excited to share this with you, and I'm keen to hear what you think!