Wyze is taking over the home connected devices with their $20 Wyze Camera, Wyze sensors, and now the Wyze bulb. Quality products that don't break the bank.
My Pa has Alzheimer's. I'm his carer here in Melbourne Australia. I was wondering if your camera would detect movement so that a light would turn on automatically when he wants to go to toilet at night time. People with Alzheimers are also quite easily disturbed - for example, if yoiu go to check they're properly covered on a cold night [ because they sometimes forget to pull the blankets on properly ] they often want to get up and do things and annoy everyone else whilst they're sleeping. If the cam that turned the lights on and off when the person was going to toilet....could also be used to remotely check they got back to bed OK.... this would be a godsend. It would mean you could check with out disturbing the person
This system could also have a medication device attached so it merely buzzes to remind a carer that the person's pills are due. You see when elderly couples are both on medication regimes, one will remind the other to take their pills, but them often wonder whether they have taken their own pills. Devices like a Live Fine Auto Pill Dispenser facilitate accurate and timely dispensing. This is a huge problem for older folks. You could also tie the system with the Health Authority website that explains accurately when medicine should be taken ie not with certain food, at meal time, before dinner or after eating. It amazes me how so many Doctors prescribe without providing this critical info.
In Australia we have this ancient system called Webster Packs see webstercare.com. I'd imagine the system is used in the USA as its an American company. This is a managed medication system - that is still analogue so to speak. If older folk are hospitalised or go to respite care, their Medication must be in a Webster Pak. If has a matching Prescription and instruction book. The rule is no webster pak no admittance The system I spoke of just above would run rings around webster paks and would be so much more efficient for Nursing Homes and Residential Care places to manage patient medication. Pharm acies could be given packing management tools, Twilio could be connected to remind part time carers when meds are due, you could use a Virtual Private Network via GSuite in order to get required Security for Medication. THis way Doctors to log in from anywhere and update a patients records.
The system could also issue a range of patient Security devices so their whereabouts is GPS tracked. Currently older people have no idea how this stuff works or how easy so devices and systems are. THis means they all us stuff they don't k and as their isn't a prevailing system, others don't know how the devices work. If one easy super system was available is would be very popular. In fact most older folk would use a good system to show their whereabouts, for an additional security layer, as a fall alert....using AI so it knows when someoine has fallen because quite often they cant get to the alert button.
Governments - well not in the USA because of your very odd National Health Care system - want to keep the lid on Medicare costs. This means they are very open to Doctors using remote medical consultation systems. Having a system universally accepted by Doctors, the AMA, Health authorities that most aged care facilities used would mean Doctors could remotely treat many conditions. THis would save money, time and be more efficient.
Remote blood pressure testing, heart and lung monitoring using bluetooth, twilio will be an enormous thing very very soon. Yet Doctors, Aged Care seem to know very little about the benefits. When you throw in AI and big data I think you guys could arrive at some creative thinking. Whichever way you look at things AI - Big Data - AR and Medical Science.....and more efficiently managing and caring for the frail aged combined these things are on the verge of huge advances. [ Our National MediRecord starts universally very soon. Digi medical records are currenly optional but will be not compulsory, but as good as very soon. THe money the taxpayer will save by not having to finance unnecessary imaging, pathology and preventing doctor hoppers...has already enabled the Government to add swathes of very expense cancer medications to the National Health Scheme.
I notice they are using AR now to make it easier to give kids guided injections. AR would be ideal to use in connection with those new Ear Wax removal machines..... my old man's ears are full of wax and he is stone deaf. He will not let a Doctor cleanse his ears of wax....so he cant hear us and that is a major pain in the ass. It means everyone has to yell at him to be heard. Yelling can easily be mistaken as angry yelling ....and often is. So my Ma who's also deaf yell; at my Pa who can't hear a bloody thing and they end up arguing as one thinks the other one is being obtruse. From a Carers point of view I would nominate issues that arise due to hearing problems as being one of the most challenging issues I have to face in what is, by its very nature, already an extremely challenging task.
If you were interested in pursuing the above I know there's plenty of room to open a creative online store selling items to this market. The variety of different First Aid Kits that could be produced and fulfilled remotely, plus Pads, Aftersurgery kits, comfortable clothing, Scooters, simple semi smartish phones, mobility products, [ working on and achieving an AR system that assists calmness whilst ear wax is being removed is a service that would lead to considerable income or referral fees to Hearing Aid Sales businesses, and smart hearing assistance devices that help people enjoy their TV viewing or music so much more than the frustraion they endure due to deafness.
Paul Rasmussen
I just got my 4 pack of Wyze color bulbs. I was hesitant that these bulbs would not display color vs. white and warm white as promised. And the cost with shipping was $45, so a bit pricy, but that old saying applies here. You get what you pay for. The build quality is impressive just by the weight and solid feel of the bulb. I've had bad experiences on many other off brands RGB WiFi smart bulbs, but the Wyze was way better and most excellent. I also found a great dupe of it on lightingandsupplies.com that works as great and is a bit cheaper.