Calum Webb

Xbox Series X - Microsoft's fastest, most powerful console ever


Xbox Series X will be our fastest, most powerful console ever and set a new bar for performance, speed and compatibility, allowing you to bring your gaming legacy, thousands of games from three generations and more forward with you.

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JC Alvarez
Team, this is an upcoming product, not a product that has been released yet. Why was it hunted as such?
Dan Dan
@jcalvarezjr because more trendy items more visits more money.
Kevin Reevers
Why is this not labeled as not released?
Jared Krause
Xbox and confusing console names. Name a more iconic duo.
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
OMG, I'm kind of disgusted that Microsoft is using Alan Watts's voice to promote the Xbox Series X.
E.b. Rosner
@chrismessina why I love Alan Watts? His VO was the best part.
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@e_b_rosner I just don't think he had playing video games in mind when he was pontificating about the imaginative powers of the mind.
Joshua Pinter
@e_b_rosner @chrismessina Who cares. Games and imagination go hand in hand. Besides, if just one person looks up Alan Watts and listens to his lectures because of this trailer, the world would be a better place.
"it's a box" -Woody, Toy Story 2
Vladimir Kusnezow
I am exited! Native 4k, up to 8k support, 120fps ... I am very exited!
Calum Webb
This looks amazing. Boasting 4x the processing power of Xbox One X, and with gorgeous, matte aesthetics and radical boxy design, it will certainly be interesting to see what the PS5 will look like.
E.b. Rosner
xbox series xbox...?
Samuel Dirksz
Where's Jack?
I don't get it. Is this a Wii/Wii U situation where it's actually a new console but they don't understand product branding or is this yet another iteration on the Xbox One (XBOne, XBOneS, XBOneX, ...XBSX)? I feel like they're just taking the Xbox One X, boosting up the processor and support for higher resolutions, packaging it in a new box, and attempting to release it like a brand new console (PS5 competitor) rather than an optional upgrade. When you muddle up your product specs by releasing this many iterations, it only makes it harder on the developers to develop for ONE console that has many different hardware specifications. Might as well just develop for PC at this point since the one benefit to developing for a console was that all your users had the exact same specs guaranteed.
12 year old me would be stoked.
Maxim Campolo
Love the xbox - really excited for these upgrades. But where is this designed to fit in an entertainment center or on a desk?
Brian Hutchinson
Maya Davis
is was so cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
James Young
Its the "NeXT" Xbox
Justin Luu