Nicolas Grenié

Xeno Conversation Flows - Design and automate conversational customer experiences

🤖 Design automated conversations in minutes.
👌 Through a visual and intuitive flow builder.
🌏 Get instant results and grow your business in 54 languages.

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Alexis Lewalle
As a SaaS entrepreneur, I’ve quickly learned that there’s no one-size-fits-all solution for everything.🤷‍♂️ So here in Xeno, our entire team has thought of a way to be able to accommodate as many different customer communication needs as possible. What better way to do that than to let organizations create their own customized communication workflow?🤓 With Xeno Conversation Flows, organizations can now design unique Conversation Flows that match their own needs.💪 Whether you have a support team that’s available 24/7 or just 2 team members, whether you want to communicate over social networks or your website only, whether you have a multilingual target market or a single country market, we made Xeno Conversation Flows just for you! Your imagination is the only limit! 🙌 Try Xeno Conversation Flows now and let us know your thoughts so we can make it an amazing solution for all your customer communication needs!🚀 Cheers, Alex
Rémy / Shyked
Hello there! I’m the developer and the maker of Xeno Conversation Flows. This is the biggest project I’ve ever worked on so far so it has been a real challenge for me. To the developers out there, you must know what I mean! From its conception to its development, I’ve been responsible for it since the beginning and brought it to where it is now. I always ask myself questions: Did I build it the right way? Will it meet people’s needs? I must say that all of this started with a few customer needs - that is: * Being able to chat to customers in different languages. * Being able to see your contacts chatting with your bot in real-time. * Being able to take back control of an automated conversation if needed. * Standardizing conversation behaviors between bot and human teams. * Being able to customize all bot responses. * Uniforming code across multiple channels (Chatbox, FB Messenger, Twitter, SMS…). After much thought and after discussing with the entire Xeno team, we figured that these needs could be addressed by a single solution: Conversation Flows! The development was tough but I persevered to make it work. I had to analyze Xeno’s existing behavior and find a way to abstract the messages into reusable components, migrate the legacy data model into a new one, take into consideration beta-testers’ feedback, apply changes in a timely manner as needed, and the list goes on... Also, building the visual flow editor to have a WYSIWYG display has been tough but very fulfilling at the same time. I once tried to build an arrow and I got a match instead (see image:! 🤔 Oh! And working on that “auto arrange” / “anti-collision” feature?! It went all haywire at some point, so don't even let me start talking about it! 🤯 The experience has been a rollercoaster ride - there were ups and downs but it was a really fun ride! I continue to work hard in improving the Conversation Flows day-by-day so let me know what you think in the comments section! I look forward to seeing more and more people use Xeno Conversation Flows in the future so, together, let’s make this product the best it can possibly be! Rémy
Alain Mevellec
We were already happy with Xeno, this push it to another level, especially for large teams.
Alexis Lewalle
@alainmevellec Thank you Alain! 🥰 Indeed, Conversation Flows push Xeno to another level 🚀 as it links all our conversational features together. It gives you the ability to design automated conversational customer-oriented experiences 🤖 through an intuitive UI. It is the core of our product's vision. Let me know if you have any question!
Johan De Pauw
I am very happy with Xeno. It helped my company a lot in terms of optimisation and automation. Thank you also for the great support Xeno Team. Where can we find the roadmap?
Alexis Lewalle
@webace Thank you Johan for your comment! 🙏 I'm glad to learn that it is helping your company in terms of optimization and in terms of automation 👌. Conversation flow is the core of our product's vision. As for our support team, we make sure to be as available and as responsive as possible, it is very important for us. In regard to our roadmap, you can find our collaborative roadmap here: From here, you can vote and post for any need you may have. We then update the status of each need to keep you posted about our progress. During important releases we also communicate on our Facebook group ( on Twitter as well as via emails. Let us know if you have any other questions Johan!
Aurélien De Nunzio
I'm in the last minutes before lauching Xeno on my website ! It will help us a lot to reduce supports costs and increase customers satisfaction ! 🤜🏼
Alexis Lewalle
@aurelien_de_nunzio Thank you Aurelien! Our team is here alongside you 🤝 to help you reduce support costs while increasing your customer satisfaction 📈! No doubt that's what will happen through your Xeno deployment! 💪
Dragos Bulugean
Congrats on the launch! I really like your website.
Alexis Lewalle
@dragos_bulugean Thank you Dragos! If you like our website you should LOVE our Conversation Flow product! 🥰 Let us know if you have any question or any specific need.
Robert Dougherty
Interesting approach to dealing with customer service queries. What are the main differentiators between a conversation flow builder like yours and Manychat for example?
Alexis Lewalle
@robertdougherty5 Excellent question Robert. Thank you very much for asking this question, as our answer may interest a lot of Product Hunters. Here are the main differences between Xeno Conversation Flows and Manychat: A. Manychat use the Facebook chatbox. Therefore, regarding the integration of Manychat on a website, Manychat is subject to the limitations of the Facebook API and more generally to the limitations of the Facebook chatbox. On our side, we are the maker of our chatbox. By mastering the entire technical stack, from the flow builder to the chatbox facing the clients, it is possible for us to deliver a better conversational experience than Manychat on all websites around the world. B. Manychat only works with Facebook Messenger and SMS. The flows you can design in Xeno Conversation Flows works: • on our very own chatbox which can be deployed on any website (it’s our tech). • on Facebook Messenger (in the same way than Manychat). • on Twitter. • by text messages. • by emails. I would like to point out that 100% of the Steps of our flow builder are compatible with Facebook Messenger. This makes Xeno Conversation Flows a more powerful tool than Manychat. I would also like to point out that for each of the Steps that we offer in Xeno Conversation Flows, when including a Step in the flow, you can see precisely with which communication channel the Step is compatible. C. By design, Xeno Conversation Flows is a multilingual conversational tool. To be more specific, translation keys are natively integrated into our flow builder. This native translation key system allows you to translate your flows very easily. Managing multiple languages ​​is easy. For example, it is not necessary to duplicate a flow to manage it in 2 different languages ​​as well as in 50 different languages. This is a huge game changer, especially in this Covid era. D. All the features offered in Xeno Conversation Flows can be used independently of Xeno Conversation Flows. In other words, with our tool, the use of a flow is not mandatory. I.e.: you can use your Xeno Knowledge Base in a flow but you can also use your Xeno Knowledge Base in an independent way outside of a flow => both things are possible and this offering you more options. It's the same with all of our features. E. As we are independent from Facebook or any other product, we are in a much better position to comply with the various laws specific to the United States, Europe (GDPR) and Asia. F. Beyond these differences, you will find other differences between Xeno Conversation Flows and Manychat. Some things Xeno do that Manychat doesn't. Some things Manychat does that Xeno don't. In fact, I do not recommend you to compare Xeno Conversation Flows with Manychat as they are both genuine products. It is like comparing a Ferrari, a Lamborghini and a Porsche. For sure you can compare these cars, but in the end, it is different genuine cars. Each have their specificities. In conclusion, our chatbox alongside our flow builder (still in Beta but already one of the most evolved in the world) are specific to the product vision that we have. Our product vision is to develop a programmable tool that aims to reproduce online the experience delivered by a salesperson in store. Through Xeno Conversation Flows, we want you to be able to deliver online a warm and a conversational experience to your customers in the fastest possible way. Again, a game changer, in this Covid era. With Xeno Conversation Flows, your imagination is the only limit to any customer communication workflow you want to design. I hope I’m answering your question. Feel free to come back to me if you have any other questions Robert.
Nicolas Grenié
Love this simple way to create a conversational flow and the way you can integrate on your website!
Alexis Lewalle
@picsoung Thank you Nicolas for hunting us! 🙏🙏🙏 It is, indeed, a simple way to create conversational flows. As you may know, you can integrate Xeno on your website through the Xeno chatbox, but Xeno Conversation Flows is also compatible with multiple communication channels such as: the Xeno chatbox (for websites), Facebook, Twitter, text messages and emails (the compatibility of each step that can be used is specified in the flow builder). Again, many thanks & let us know if you have any question!
Ken Savage
Is it just website in browser chat or can I use it with SMS as well?
Alexis Lewalle
@kensavage Hi Ken! Great question, thanks! As you may know, in our Conversation Flows feature, we provide 3 different type of steps that you can combine to make flows: A. Visible steps (these steps can be seen from the chatbox), B. Invisible steps (cannot be seen from the chatbox) and C. Stop steps. All the steps can be used through our web-browser chatbox. Most of the steps can be used in Facebook Messenger. As for SMS, from our Visible steps, you can only use the "Send a message" step with SMS. Yet, you can use ALL our Invisible steps as well as ALL our Stop steps with SMS. In conclusion, there are already a lot of things you can do through Conversation Flows with SMS!! Also, FYI, we already added in our product backlog the ability to make the steps including buttons compatible with SMS. :) In general, Xeno Conversation Flows gives you the ability to design cohesive customer communication workflows that will help you grow your business. Whatever the channel. Whatever the language. 🌟 Let us know if you have any other questions!
Arthur Bostic
Really cool flow builder. Do you have any case studies of apps and platforms which have rolled out this option already or is this brand new?
Alexis Lewalle
@arthurbostic Thank you for your question Arthur! We have been developing this product for many months. This Product Hunt post represents the end of our beta period. We already have a few large customers using the product in production. Some of them generate several thousand conversations per day through Conversation Flows. However, as this is still a brand new product, we do not have any formal case study to date. We hope to have some soon! Let me know if you have any other question.
Rajan Ramachandran
One of the best landing pages I've come across in recent times. Tried chatting with your product on the website and it is really smooth and seamless. What impressed me the most was invisible steps and collecting data with a field which I'vent seen much before. Congrats on building a great product and a successful launch.
Alexis Lewalle
@rajan_ramachandran Thank you so much Rajan! 🥰 Keep us posted if you have any question.
Dan Gusz
Super smart that a way to demo your product is to ... have your product on your site and emphasize that. Nice part of the education really made it stick for me in terms of how a customer would use the product!
Alexis Lewalle
@jdgusz Thank you for your nice words Dan! 🙏 That is right: we are using our own product to demonstrate our product and that is how we work all year long! 👍 Keep in mind that in the live demo we are delivering from we are only showcasing a simple flow, but it is possible to configure more sophisticated flows using things like conditions and flow triggers! Let us know if you have any other questions Dan!
Andrew Ganin
Congratulations on the launch! Cool product with lots of potential.
Alexis Lewalle
@andrewac Thank you Andrew! 🥰🥰🥰
Max Prilutskiy
UX seems very straightforward. Great job!
Alexis Lewalle
@prilutskiy Thanks Max! As you are, we give a lot of importance to the flow builder UI/UX (on the company side) as well as to the chatbox UI/UX (on the lead/customer side). Let us know if you have any question!
Elliot Boucher
Cool team, cool product ! Keep up the good work guys :D
Alexis Lewalle
@action_marketing thank you Elliot! 😍 Feel free to come to us if you have any question!
David Schubert
Amazing work, guys.
Alexis Lewalle
@david_schubert1 Thank you for your comment which means a lot to us. 😍 We work very hard 😅 to make Xeno Conversation Flows one of the best customer communication product out there. 🚀
Sumeet Mahendra
Love the regular updates and new features. Coupled by awesome support by Xeno Team. PS. It'll be super amazing if we can collect the payments and use it for commerce similarly as Facebook Bot. 👍🏻
Alexis Lewalle
@sumt7 Thank you Sumeet for your message and support! 🥰 As for payments, that is something we have in mind, still not yet into our product roadmap. As usual, let us know if you have any other question or any other suggestion. Have a great day Sumeet!