Sharik Khan

XPRESSO - Your own all-purpose animated avatar


XPRESSO is an app that allows real-time personalization of your avatars & messages that can be shared on your social media chats as awesome GIF animations.

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Uday Kadirvel
Hi PHs, Happy to be hunted. I am Uday, CEO & Co-founder of XPRESSO. We are making user conversations Personal, Expressive & Playful. With Our App XPRESSO you can create your avatar,animate your messages and share it as GIFs. XPRESSO is all about personalization of your emotions and making you expressive in fun & meaningful way. Checkout our app and drop us your feedback. Happy to answer your questions. Happy XPRESSING.
Karen Mckersie
@udayk158 it doesnt work for me , when im done, all it keeps saying is "ERROR CREATING GIF" so I have not even been able to try it out after spending a lot of time creating it !
Siddhartha Vinnakote
Hi Guys, I am the CTO of Mobigraph, company behind Xpresso. @Mobigraph our goal is to enhance digital communication and bring it as close to real life communication. In a real life conversation, non visual cues body language & facial expression play a great role in conveying the meaning, which is missing in the predominantly textual digital communication.With Xpresso we want to enable people to emote express better with personalised avatars & animations which embody facial expression & body language. Moreover, we have a simple REST API based interface via which developers of other apps can easily integrate our offering into their product. I hope via this forum , we get like minded developers who want to push the bar higher on digital communication. Please share what you think.
Rudy Lee
My initial thought was that this is too similar to bitmoji, but the fact that I can customize the emojis and there are animations makes a world of a difference! :) great job guys :D
Sharik Khan
@kydyzyx We are glad that you liked the product. Thanks a lot :)
Uday Kadirvel
@kydyzyx Thanks. Do share the awesomeness
Poongodi Udayakumar

Have been using this product regularly

The expressions are very cute and funny


Very cute expressions. Easy customizations.


Suggestion to included baby related animations like baby shower baby birth announcements

Sharik Khan
Your suggestion to include baby related animations has been duly noted. Keep XPRESSING :)
Sebastian Plasschaert

I was especially surprised by the animated suggestions, very cool!


An absolute surprise and easy to use


None yet

Samuel Kmita

I think, I may recomend that for my friends :)




not yet

Sharik Khan
Thanks a lot Samuel. Keep XPRESSING :)
Gaurav Sharma

I'll use it first, If I like it then I would recommend it to my friends.


Simple, Useful and Fun


Not yet

Sharik Khan
Hey Gaurav. Once you'll use XPRESSO you'll definitely fall in love with it. Please do try πŸ˜„
Lama Al Rajih
This is awesome! And you have Android support! πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ
Uday Kadirvel
@lamaalrajih Thanks. Keep Sharing the awesomeness
Uday Kadirvel
@basiclaser that was good one
Debasish Sarangi

Stands apart among other emoji apps. Best feature is trending avataars. Every aspect of lif is touched.


Lively graphics and great attention to detail.


No voices yet for the characters.

Sharik Khan
Hi Debashish. Thanks for reviewing us. Currently, Xpresso animations are rendered as GIFs for easy sharing on all social media chats, hence it's not possible to add voice or music to it. But we will definitely look for an alternative way to introduce voice and music to the animations.
Deepnaa Somani

Good work guys. I love using this app. Definitely gonna recommend it to my friends.


Perfect way to express one’s Emotion. Gifs are very cute.


No cons.

Sharik Khan
Thanks Deepna for the reviews
Mathieu REMY

Bitmoji app still the best imo


Ability to make Gifs


Not neat enough

Chad Reid
I want.
AyeSha Shaikh

it is an amazing appp..everytime they come up with something new..


very nice appp.must download n try their new avatars


nothing as of now

Chrome Extension and iOS App work great until its time to save the final product - then it gets buggy - often crashing. deinstalled - reinstalled - restart respective devices β€” still buggy. At least for me.
Krishna De
Just tested this on iOS and it was great to see the option to customise the avatar - would love to see some less decorative clothing for females in a future update please! @udayk158 I did have a problem in terms of saving the gif to my camera roll at which time it crashed - my workaround was to save to Dropbox and then download to my camera roll. I am hoping saving to camera roll will get fixed in a future update. Are you going to bring out an option where the gifs are not branded with Xpresso - I know I prefer to purchase an in-app purchase to take off watermarks from my visual content or even add my own watermark? I can see some interesting revenue options for you in terms of working with brands to create branded gifs. In the meantime I have added this to my curations. Great that on iOS it is free from ads - thank you! Reading the reviews on the play store it seems there are ads in the app for Android users though?
Uday Kadirvel
@krishnade Thanks for trying out XPRESSO. Will pass on the feedbacks and issues to our team. We are bringing premium features to iOS sooner including Watermark removal. Yes. Android has Ads and also option to go Pro. Branded GIFs are going to be the future for brands and our content can convey better brand story with more personal,engaging visuals. Happy to connect and show case our Ad Capability if you are interested :) . Thanks a lot again for your feedbacks.
Jess Chandler
I love the idea. I tested it out and had some issues (iPhone 6 iOS 11.2.6). On first launch, main screen says "Get Started" but privacy/terms of service message says that I'm clicking "confirm". After pushing "Get Started", request for push notifications comes up - with generic message. I clicked "No" and then was presented with a completely white screen. I had to exit and force quit the app. Then, on second launch, it comes up with boy/girl choices. After getting through setup, the screen with a text box on top does not let me type text into the box until I clicked on something else. Also, the navigation controller is overlapping the menubar. Once selected, "brewing your gif" takes a while (that's ok). But then, when I clicked "save image", the app crashed. I wish you all the best with this neat idea and I hope that my experience is helpful to your development.
Jess Chandler
Tried again to share to twitter, and it told me that it failed to share. Then, when I got to twitter, the post is there, but the xpresso is a still image and not animated.
Karen Mckersie
i tried several times to finish my gif but it keeps saying "unable to create gif" or something like that when im done!?