
Yelling Across Cubicles - Walkie-talkie for your Mac Menu Bar

Instant communication app built in 1 week and winner in Makers Festival 2018.

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Justin Mitchell
Thanks for the hunt @abadesi! YAC was a blast to create over the last 2 weeks, and we were super stoked to see it win the Remote Workers category in Makers Festival 2018. Please hit us up with any unique ways you're using the app and of course hammer us with feedback.
Davis Baer
@itsthisjustin Looks awesome! Is it free? The landing page could probably use some more detail 😄
Justin Mitchell
@daviswbaer ha well it was a 1 week hackathon so yes over time we may beef the page up a bit!
­Anmol Parashar
I remember only a few weeks ago we were discussing building this on our Slack, and now it's a winner. Products, they grow up so fast :') And now I won't stop bothering @itsthisjustin with questions, ever! #TeamSF
Justin Mitchell
@parasharanmol Glad to have you be a part of our team man!
Elena Zhizhimontova
Looks really cool! Can't wait to try it out - I can see endless trolling opportunities with this tool 😛
Jordan Walker
@zelena Thank you! Let me know what you think of it after you do so. Any sort of feedback would be super helpful for us!
Tim Walling
A few thoughts trying to install and run it. A bit more of a demo screencast or something on the site would be great. After installing it, I could find no way of quitting it. The icon showed up in the toolbar and I set up a username, saved it but that screen just wouldn't go away? Is the profile photo also required? Is that why I couldn't seem to do anything else? I had to quit the program using Activity Monitor. There are no contextual menu options on the toolbar icon. Overall, I just have no idea what to expect for the app. What does it do exactly?
Justin Mitchell
@twalling yes profile photo is required. After that quit is a context option from settings.
Tim Walling
@itsthisjustin added photo and screen is still stuck on setup, no settings or contextual menu, happy to connect off of here if you want to debug any of this further
Justin Mitchell
@twalling There's a known issue with photos that might a bit big. I had that happen on a high res photo. It'll eventually upload but if you don't want to wait, just use a smaller lower res image. On the list of things to fix!
Justin Mitchell
Heads up everyone! Looks like we got the PH hug of death. Stand by for a server increase! Getting things back online now.
Justin Mitchell
New version just uploaded to the site. If you're on the older version, it'll still work but it's recommended you update.
Cole Oliver
Great stuff, guys! Always killing it
Jordan Walker
@__cbo__ Thanks man!
Hunter McKinley

It’s pretty simple to setup. Just have to click and talk.

Looking forward to the updates!


Easy to use


Not on PC yet

Kevin Newman
Super excited for this to come to PC! Congratulations on the launch guys!
Jordan Walker
@kevinnewmanyo Thanks for the love!
Rodrigo Hillion

Well just that will wait for more updates to see if I can make it work. But the idea is great, I always think how Slack doesn't have a feature like this already!


looks easy to use


doesn't work, I get the "Connecting.." and it dies there

Vlad Calus
OMG, that's hilarious and genius 😅
Jordan Walker
@vladcalus This makes me so happy that you appreciate it
Jordan Walker
Super glad you were able to hunt this today for us @abadesi! This was such a fun project to work on as we all hunkered down for a week, and got to work. Despite it not being flawless yet, we were super excited to see this win in the Remote Workers category for the Makers Festival this year. Our team at SoFriendly is working hard to make it be the best it can be so definitely let us know how you are "YACing" and how we can further improve on what we have!
Tim Walling

The site really needs a better description and demo video. I was honestly interested in seeing exactly what it does but setup has been rough today and I've had to force quit the app several times only to finally get it setup and find out it's pointless without someone else to try it with. I'm not going to ask someone else to go through the setup I did though.


interesting idea assuming I understand what it does from the limited info


no demo on site, setup process has been rough, have to force quit using activity monitor, finally setup but I have no one test with

Danielle Johnson
This is a great idea!
Jordan Walker
@dinkydani21 Thank you! Let us know what you think, feedback would be much appreciated!
Scott Davis
I installed this, and had a co-worker install it as well, unfortunately we can't add eachother's YAC code. We hit the add button but nothing ever happens. What gives?
Justin Mitchell
@the_scott_davis Hmmm...testing on this end shows no issue with adding friends. Could you make sure you're both on the latest version 0.0.4? Feel free to email me directly to troubleshoot. justin@sofriendly.com
Utkarsh Sengar
This is awesome! I am working on something very similar for the last few days - Slack and Hangouts doesn’t truly replace collaboration in physical space. Great work!