Ryan Hoover

Squirrel - A topic-based group chat app from Yahoo

Squirrel is a chat app from Yahoo. Organize groups and chats the way you want, so you can keep up without getting lost in the noise. Squirrel is invite only for now. Ask a friend with the app to invite you to a group!

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Ryan Hoover
Oath (formerly Yahoo) quietly released a new chat app. At first glance, I'm not sure what's new or unique from the many other mobile chat apps, but downloading now... I just need an invite. 🙏🏼
Brett Hellman
@rrhoover it would be fun to hear the backstory on this product... Was squirrel in development before the acquisition and just now launching? Or, is this a preview of what we can expect from "Y!" post Verizon acquisition.
@rrhoover @dhivya_sriram @farhan Sadly Squirrel doesn't seem to be available on the Indian marketplace.

Another chat app that attempts to jump on the Slack/Discord bandwagon.

It's not even trying to do something unique with its UI or features. It's literally just another rip-off. Why?


Nothing that Discord and Slack doesn't already offer.


Entirely pointless.

Chesley Brown
It provides competition I guess? Will motivate Slack/Discord to innovate further.
Zach Dubos
As someone who already juggles iMessage, Discord, Instagram Direct, and Snap, I don’t see the point. This looks like a sad discord clone.
Alexey Tseitlin
whats next? Yahoo crypto coin? :D
Brendan Hersh
It looks suspiciously similar to the Discord server switcher and channel selector... 🤔
🦁 Steve Mount
Squirrel is only available in the US App Store (wonder why @Yahoo?)! Boo! @rrhoover
Topic-based messenger app does sound nice. I have been using Slack as my primary messenger app these days, purely for work-related cases. Having used Slack so far, I think I really like the idea of topic-based, channel-based message, as opposed to using a long stream of endless communication - Telegram, Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp. This format is clean, easy-to-use and brings about better context and productivity. Would love to see how Yahoo (now Oath) takes this forward!
Alexey Tseitlin

Another chat app? whats next? Yahoo crypto coin?


are there?


too much the same chat apps already

Rajesh Thevar
Is it possible I could get an invite?
When you're out of ideas and you start copying left and right to stay relevant
Adrian Kenny
Looks HEAVILY inspired by discord, I mean even the colours and illustration style have a similar vibe.
Stephane Manhes
Thank you for your product.
Faraz Ahmad
It looks good.
To succeed social messaging apps needs to have the BOTH combination of both the distribution channel and be an existing destination where social interactions occurs. Case in point is Google who has time and time again tried to break into messaging and has failed several times over despite owning the most used mobile OS. Would be hard press to see Yahoo succeed in this area with neither the distribution or access to social interactions.
Alain Ekambi
@matthewedanwoo There are just so many things that current messenger dont offer. I think there is still room for others.
@ekambos I'm not saying that there isn't space for a topic based messenger, but rather for one to succeed it needs both a distribution channel and an existing asset where social interactions are already occurring. i.e. if we look beyond the obvious, a messaging product that is new and not Facebook / Apple is Discord who was able to leverage the social interactions that was already happening in games, which also acted as their distribution channel.
Colin Jones
As others have said, can't look for myself without an invite, but not sure how this is differentiated and not just another chat app in an already overwhelming sea of chat apps. Looks a lot like Slack and/or Discord.
King Alandy Dy
I'm not really sure what is unique about this product. Yahoo is way too late to the game as usual.
So... yet another Slack & Discord clone? Why does every company on the face of the earth want to jump on this bandwagon and re-invent the wheel? Slack and Discord are already dominating, attempting to compete is just wasted effort.
Alain Ekambi
@andrewdavidj Why ? Before Slack I m sure you would have said the same. There is always room for improvements.
E Tromp
I also wonder, how does this differ from eg. Slack?
Michael Klein
Just saw this - can we have a Feature List? It looks like Discord and/or Slack but it seems to have Privacy built in - if that is the case it would be VERY interesting because that's the reason we don't use Slack or Discord...
Paul Tomkinson
Anyone else have an extra invite?
Lyondhür Picciarelli
When you deep fry WTF, late-hype and desperation, it smells like this.. If I worked at Slack I'd sponsor a cemetery to all these apps. I wonder what makes POs believe they can solve the same problem by repeating someone else's (already given/accepted) answer -- without not even modifying a single word. #yanoo