Adrien Siami

YAMLFish Beta - Simple and free YML translation management


YAMLFish helps software teams with localization, i18n and translations management simply and efficiently thanks to features such as branching or DeepL integration.

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Adrien Siami
Adrien here, YAMLfish creator. As a 15YoE Rails dev, I've had to work many times with I18n, and found it was often a hassle. Working on many features at the same time meant countless conflicts, and excel files filled with translations. I've used tools like phraseapp and lokalise, they work well but are overpriced for SMB IMO. In a recent gig, I had a tight budget and minimal needs (just needed branching support and a way for product people to suggest translations to the tech team without getting in the way) So I built my own and it worked really well, I've since quit the company and they are still using it. I decided to share it publicly and freely to see if it could gain any traction. If it does, I plan to keep a generous freemium plan and then charge fairly.
Stephane Bounmy
Love it ! Nice stack too :)
Adrien Siami
@stephane_bounmy1 Thanks, best stack indeed ;)
Translations syncs is a pain.. Go YAMLFish
Adrien Siami
Congrats for the launch what a cool tool
Adrien Siami
@jean_romain_krupa1 Thanks a lot Jeanro !
Eric Khun
This is cool! Something that could be handy would be a "Translate All" instead of doing them 1 by 1
Adrien Siami
@eric_khun Absolutely, definitely in the pipe :)