Stef Lewandowski

Year of Colour 2020 - Find out which colours you most used on Instagram this year

How colorful was your Instagram in 2020? Get an interactive report about the most prominent colors you've shared in your posts throughout the year. Discover your personal or brand palette or reconnect with your most colourful experiences. Now on iOS & Android.

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Stef Lewandowski
Hi folks, I'm the maker of Year of Colour and Product Hunter since the early days! (I'm British, hence the extra "u" in Colour). It's a side project that I've been working on for a few years and has had about a million people use it over that time. It gets a lot of love around this time of year as people look back over the year just passed! What with everything going on in the world right now, I thought a little extra dose of positivity might be in order, so I've rebuilt this almost entirely over the last couple of months. What you see when you go to Year of Colour dot com is a React / Next.js progressive web app. I've spent the last few weeks working out how to package up my web app for iOS and Android, and I'm pleased to say that it has worked really well! I'd be happy to take questions on the process of turning a Next.js web app into a Native app for distribution in the store. It wasn't simple, but in combination with Ionic's Capacitor framework and their AppFlow service I'm really quite excited about what's now possible for web app developers to release apps in the store. A big part of the rewrite this year was moving to Fauna DB and Firebase for authentication, so I'd be happy to talk about serverless approaches to building scalable services like this if that's of interest? Happy New Year everyone!
Awesome, Stef. Great to see this out in the open on PH!
Stef Lewandowski
@stevanpopo Cheers! Nice to be able to share this with the PH community.
Alexandra Johnson (Alex)
This has really bad reviews on Google play citing that the app doesn't work. I'm not really excited about spending money an app to get a visualization of one year on my Instagram that may not even work. It also looks like there should be a free option if you just want to see the year overview and a premium upgrade according to this description, but I don't see that option in the Play Store either.
Stef Lewandowski
@teh_cyb0rg Hey there. There are a few bugs that have affected a handful of users, so they're rightfully frustrated. If you check out the hashtag there are thousands of folks who've successfully got a report, I've just not asked any of them to review the app!
Alexandra Johnson (Alex)
@teh_cyb0rg @stef that doesn't really answer any of my questions lol. Is the app supposed to cost money upfront if you're just trying to get the visualization of color for 2020? Not a good look to have reviews that are all negative on an app store 🤷‍♀️
Stef Lewandowski
@teh_cyb0rg @stef Sure, I’ve not done a mobile app before but this has been a free web-app for about three years. My main reason for putting a small price on this is last year it cost me a few thousand dollars in cloud compute costs. So this year, yep, a small price for the colour report. On the reviews, indeed. Eight people who had a bug versus the thousands who happily got a report is pretty frustrating! I just spent today adding a “please review the app” popup. Here’s hoping that shifts the balance.
Paul Smith
Fantastic work, Stef, it’s been great to see develop and grow over the years!
Stef Lewandowski
@paul_a_smith Cheers Paul! I've learnt tons building this during that time, too. It's surprising how useful it can be to have a second canvas to try new tech out on. We wouldn't be using half the stuff in my main project if it weren't for having tried it out on Year of Colour.
Robert Groves
What was the biggest hurdle in taking the app Native? Was the rewrite solely to support that? What, if anything, would you have done differently from the start in light of where things are with the app and it's development today?
Jennifer Thrower
Great Discovery
Juan Abner
Fantastic Work
Dawn Hughes
Fantastic Work
Mario Helt
You�ve Got What It Takes
Mike Park
Sammie Osborn
Looks really interesting!
Brandon Klippstein
Mary Smith
Ken Maxwell
Chris Lminsan
Congrats on the launch! You did an amazing job there!
Owen Armani
Looks very useful
Samantha Bell
Congratulations @stef - always innovating :) Waving from Australia!
Stef Lewandowski
@sambe11 Hey thanks! I replied slowly because there were loads of fake comments here for some reason. Nice of you to leave a message. Cheers! ⚡️
Lex Deak
Awesome to stumble across this Stef 👏
Stef Lewandowski
@lexdeak cheers! This post had loads of spam so I stopped checking it. Nice to hear from you about my little side project :-)
Lex Deak
@stef I hear you...hope all's well your end and look forward to a catch up in the not too distant sir 🙏