I'm CEO at YesGraph. We're excited to open up our beta, exclusively on Product Hunt. I'm here to answer your questions about what we make and help you get started. In short, YesGraph does the heavy lifting of social graph analysis to find which contacts a user should invite. You can use this to make suggested invite lists or something like People-You-May-Know (PYMK) from LinkedIn or Facebook.
I am obsessed with growth, having run growth at Dropbox. So if you have any questions about referral programs or invite flows, let us know! You can email me at ivan@yesgraph.com
@yesgraph@ikirigin Hey Ivan, this looks like a great service. I'm curious what makes a particular contact a "better" choice than another in your view. Likelihood that they'll use a mobile app? Closeness to the inviting user?
Is the goal to find the inviting user's best friends? Or just active users?
@nickoneill Having friends on an app helps both that user and the friends. Our goal is to make the best user experience, not message the most people. Ideally 100% of invites and wanted and accepted.
So our ranking tunes for that. We try to find which relationships (e.g. friends, coworkers etc) matter. We try to find which kinds of people might be interested in the app. So we're using social graph and interest data, along with a lot of other signals.
It'll be different for different apps. It'll also be different for different flows. For example, a referral flow should exclude existing users, but a content share flow shouldn't.
@yesgraph@ikirigin I see potentially better conversion rate, better k factor, less waste of resources and time (goal is not to invite the people who would never use the app) better retention... more valuable users.
Exciting to see the launch. On a separate not: Kudos to you that you were able to admit that an initial product wasn't working as well as you'd like, reinvent the company and recapitalize it. That's a big deal, congrats!
Curious: what did you learn from YesGraph 1.0 that you've implemented into the new recommendation engine? Also, how 'conservative' is your engine, ie How often do you look to avoid false positives?
@borker raising a new seed for a new idea is definitely some startup sausage making. That's all I have to say about that ;)
We're essentially taking the core engine of the referral recruiting product, and applying it to a new domain. So there is a lot we learned that applies! Most of what we do is manage graph data.
Characterizing how conservative we are isn't the way to frame it. We have a clear performance measurement in what the user does. If they ignore our recommendations, that is bad. If they engage, good. So we can always get better without needing to tune how aggressive we are. Like I said, I think about it a little differently.
@ikirigin Well at least the investors have a horcrux if something happens to you in real life, they can bring you back.
w/r/t optimization I'm thinking not just on a recommendation level (success vs.failure) but on a user level. "Ignoring" can actually have negative effects on the user longer term because all these invites will be seen as spam. Obviously if YesGraph's brand is hurt by that you guys will have been hugely successful, but nonetheless have you thought about it or built in success metrics at a user level?
@borker I see. We want to optimize for as deep in the funnel as possible. Not invites, but signups. Not signups, but engaged users. So in that sense, we'll aggressively prioritize based on as good of a signal about deep in the funnel as we can. It's like lead scoring in B2B sales.
We're free right now, but our business model is to be paid for growth attributed to our recommendations. People don't like pay per install because of the poor downstream engagement, so I'd actually love to be pay-per-fucking-awesome-user.
This is awesome - we're building out our invite flow now, and being able to suggest specific people to our user would be great, instead of asking them to think through all of their contacts, or have a specific person in mind.
@rae_simon exactly! It is the difference between typing out an email or phone number by memory or having the right ones ready to click.
For Murmur, you can ask people if they want to add friends to the thread, and then provide suggestions. Here is a quick mock:
@rae_simon@ikirigin I was questioning myself... to help me, the inviter, make an informed decision, can you also tell me WHY I should invite Bob to the Murmur thread? Bob (reason) Alice (reason) Zeek (reason)... I know, maybe I went too far :)
@rae_simon@angelomilan in some cases, we can make that transparent. In other cases, we might not be able to make it logical. Maybe if you're sharing a Lady Gaga t-shirt, the recipient "follows @ladygaga". Not all such ranking features are as logical to users. But we're planning on trying it out!
@ikirigin we've already spoken but this is really smart. Product creators are often reinventing the wheel in this area. Let's chat about how we can use this on Product Hunt sometime.
Quick question re: YC. Since this is your second time going through the incubator, what was the biggest surprise or learning?
@rrhoover getting the same advice I already "know" is still helpful because actually doing it is hard. The biggest difference is the scale. When I went through in W08 there were ~20 companies. Now there are ~116. 4 Partners + PB part time before, not ~30 people involved. That is the cause of every difference for me. I'll write a blog post about this :-D
Hi Ivan, nice launch! Looks super interesting, i have a question: I am about to launch a referral program for uprise.io and wanted to get your thoughts on the most important points to nail in the process. Thanks in advance!
What makes this different from @ShuttleCloud? Not criticizing, I'm genuinely curious which product would be better for particular use cases (startup, enterprise, etc).
@ShuttleCloud@ryanckulp They focus on managing extracting contacts from email. We focus on what you do once you have that list. There are other graphs, like SMS and Facebook, where they just don't apply. If you're working on contact importing, you should probably use them.
We're planning on releasing a drop-in share flow that also handles connection to email addressbooks. I think such flows should be standardized like the Stripe.js checkout flow. It'll help everyone, most especially users.
What attributes do you consider when making these recommendations? Does the user have to first connect their social accounts (Twitter, FB, LI) for this to work?
@nettdrone We analyze the contacts that apps send us. Right now we support address books (email & phone numbers) and Facebook. Twitter and LinkedIn are coming. Twitter and LinkedIn are good contact lists, but not effective messaging channels. What I've seen for most apps is that email and phone numbers for SMS are the most effective invite channels. For desktop web apps, email is it.
I am also working on our 'invite only for early users' for our app. Before looking at YesGraph, I thought that it is quite a subjective process and so is difficult to automate or script. I am interested to see how it actually works.
@vingar I highly recommend opening up signup, and not making something exclusive. Unless there is an operational reason to restrict signup.
There is a lot you can do to boost the performance of sharing flows generally. Having a good product is step #1, but there are 30 other things you can do :)
This has the potential to be very powerful when paired with a referral rewards, which is something I've been looking into for my own product.
Any plans for integrating or partnering with another 3rd party rewards provider, like ReferralCandy?
@bradenhamm Yep, we're talking with a few different companies that handle drop-in referral systems. We don't expect them to do the same social graph analysis, and we don't expect YesGraph to do, say, a shopify integration to power a reward discount. There are a dozen companies even in this niche, so I look forward to working with all of them.
@yesgraph@ikirigin It's rare and refreshing to see a product in the closed beta stage with such a nicely designed and well documented API. In my mind, that's a great sales strategy.
@slsansovich thanks! I think we have a lot more work to do on documentation. It is comprehensive but not concise. And there are lots of different platform and language SDKs to build
@ikirigin just trying to get a good understanding of what this does/how you use it.... is there any smarts around if a user's friend is already using the app/web/whatever you are promoting? Or should that be a secondary step done before using it as a custom audience?
@evilspyboy hmm, maybe email me more details: ivan@yesgraph.com
We do have endpoints for sending existing user data and past invite history. This helps us tune the ranking so we're suggesting people that match your best users.
Certain flows demand filtering out existing users, so knowing who already signed up is important. For example, if you're using a referral flow, you typically only get credit after a new user signs up. No use in suggesting contacts already on the app. This is harder than it sounds because we need to dedupe contacts. This is a subtle way YesGraph will be more performant than DIY.
Yo @ikirigin, this looks pretty cool. I'm interested that you chose to focus on contact info optimization to start, particularly given your history at Dropbox. I've wondered for the last few years—what are the "secrets" of top-caliber growth teams? What do you know that most of us don't?
Given this product is YesGraph's flagship, is this a hint that the key to a good invite flow is surfacing the best friends to invite? Or is it something else, like finding the "super-inviters," who bring in 20 people? Or optimizing a referral program?
Definitely looking forward to trying out the product.
@mlchild I think this is the hard part about invite flows. We might also get into testing messaging and other kinds of optimization. Even reflecting metrics is valuable.
There is no secret. There are no silver bullets. Growth teams focus on process and iterative results, not secrets. I want to make it a really easy decision to do this advanced product feature.
That said, I know dozens of tactics. What we can't incorporate into the product, we'll turn into content on http://blog.yesgraph.com/
@ikirigin Sounds good. I don't really believe there are silver bullets but "secrets" is a fun way to describe unevenly distributed insights. Will be following the blog.
I tried to using this service, but for now it's not clear for me. I need upload my user's address books (this information can be sold without me after some time). Then i got for a unknown algorithms POSSIBLE friends. Which is MAYBE can answer at my own invitation. Looks not like safe service for me, but definitely interesting for founders.
For me is interesting to exchange data with developers, which also get address book access. I can share N contacts and get back same N new contacts.
Explain me, how i can protect my information there?
@alexvinogradov4 We're not a data broker. We don't sell any data we receive. In order to help you, you need to have users grant you access to their contacts. And then we can rank them, and return back a ranked set. We can add public data, like what we might find from FullContact, but we don't otherwise add any more data to the contacts. We sell insight, not raw data -- which in the end is what people want anyway.
Our terms state that we can only share the data to a 3rd party as part of our service, like hosting on Heroku Postgres. They also state that you can request we delete any of your data anytime. https://www.yesgraph.com/terms/
I should also add that we only allow access via HTTPS, use secure token access, and have client tokens for untrusted mobile client security.
Hi, @ikirigin. I'd like to write about you to my subscribers at GrowthHackingIdea.com. This is an invite-only community of growth hackers. One short, curated idea a day to your email. As our positioning is short (<500 symbols + link) ideas, would be awesome to share something special from you - "The best short growth hack by Ivan Kirigin". Here is a link with invite for you: http://growthhackingidea.com/?re... If you like it, please send me your idea and link to main@growthhackingidea.com
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