While I've usually been a fan of the "Yet Another" series the basic version of this plugin is overshadowed by the fact that "Jetpack" contains related posts on your own blog by default.
What is great about the YARRP Pro is that you can monetize by showing related posts on other blogs and earning revenue on CPM and CPC models (and it shows thumbnails which is snazzy). I'm always a little hesitant about this type of advertising as brands like Taboola have given it a bad image with low quality content and clickbait.
I know that AdBistro (ad network behind YARRPs ads) say they pride themselves on quality, but I would want very granular control over the type of ads I'd showcase before I would ever use something like this.
Maybe if it had a whitelist only feature, or allowed you to review ads in a moderation queue before putting them live, and if you ran out of inventory it rolled back to your related posts.
Tech Trends from 2021 🚀