Guille Garcia

Yoa - Make videogame-like stories with videos in seconds


Yoa is a video global community where people can create, share and discover interactive and engaging stories from all over the world.
Interact with objects, animals, places or people
* Choose where to go
* Try different paths
* Meet new creators

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we have been working so hard for the past months and we keep working to add the features we have planned. Stay with us to see what's coming 💕
Guille Garcia
We have been working day and night to make this app become a reality. 👩đŸģ‍đŸ’ģ🧑đŸŧ‍đŸ’ģ After some personal ups and downs and some adventures we can finally release it and sit back to watch what people create with it. When we were kids, we were obsessed with videogames and "Choose your own adventure" books, a series of gamebooks where we as readers assumed the role of the protagonist and made choices that determined the main character's actions and the plot's outcome. This is why we wanted to create an app for "gamevideos" (yes we have made that up 😅), where the user could create short stories with different paths. Videos can have multiple dimensions, they can be interactive, and a game-like experience meaning you must take decisions while watching them like: Pet the dog, grab that apple, run, wear those sneakers, eat that cake or watch a tutorial just to mention a few. The limit is your imagination. Would love to hear your thoughts! īŋŧīŋŧ
Laura Miller
I love that videos can have multiple dimensions with this app
Marta Vedder
This is great!
Guille Garcia
@marta_vedder thank you!