Dan Ariely

Yodas Hyper - List of Silicon Valley startups that are about to grow fast


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Nir Dremer
Morning Hunters... I'm happy to introduce you all to Yodas Hyper - a list of silicon valley startups that are about to grow fast. Working with hundreds of people we discovered a common trend: There are many talented developers with deep desire to make a significant impact but struggle with how to put their desires into action. A common theme is the openness to take a small risk for an exciting mission and take a meaningful role in the creation of something new. Hyper is a list that get updated on a weekly basis with companies that match the following criteria: - Raised Series A funding - 25 employees or less - Based in San Francisco Bay Area To dive deeper to the thinking process behind the criteria, check this post - https://labs.yodas.com/the-story... Give us a try! I’d love to hear what you think. Nir Dremer
Clare Sayas
@nird any reason why they MUST be based in the bay area? thinking you're missing out on other tech scenes - like Seattle, Austin, LA that are capable of quick growth too :)
Vanessa Ronan
@nird Why are you limiting it to SF Bay Area companies?
Nir Dremer
@claresayas & @vanessa_ronan - Thank you both for the great question. We wanted to start with a single list, iterate and expand based on demand. additional tech hubs are definitely a direction we' exploring. Besides location any other directions you would find interesting?
Vanessa Ronan
@nird Depends on the direction you're taking it. Your comment above sounds like it's primarily for job seekers. In that case sector would be an important one (consumer-facing, hardware, enterprise, etc)
Ran Tavory
@claresayas Hi Clare, we will expand to other geographies, the bay area is just the first. Happy to get more feedback!
James Currier
Getting a list of companies likely to go into hyper growth is something the tech ecosystem has needed for a long time. Andy Rachleff at Wealthfront has been doing it by hand and updating it annually https://blog.wealthfront.com/201..., but having a more real time list will be great for top talent.
Nir Dremer
@james_currier Thanks James, coming from you it means a lot!
dotan nahum
Amazing team! Good luck guys!
steve sarner
If James Currier is talking about a new product, I'm listening! Eager to check out Yodas.
Esther Crawford
First off, I met @Nird and heard his vision for Yodas a few months ago.... and he's the real deal! I love this because a list like Hyper adds a ton of value for folks looking to find early companies to join. Are any other lists being planned for later stage companies?
Nir Dremer
@esthercrawford Esther, thank you very much for the kind words! In Yodas we believe that career discovery is broken. Yodas (our discovery product, not Hyper) is a personal career bot that analyzes the entire tech industry in order to recommend the best companies/opportunities to each and every one based on their own unique skills/passions/goals/.. We want to make the product reachable for everyone to make better career decisions and this led us to the creation of "Yodas Hyper". Opening up a public list whenever we see a theme that we think would be beneficial.
Jourdan Bul-lalayao
Awesome stuff, guys! This would've been extremely useful for me as a previous job candidate who always looked for startup opportunities :) can't wait to check it out and see what more you build!
Nir Dremer
@jourdanb21 Thank you! Drop me an email to nir AT yodas.com and I will send you an invite to the discovery product. I would love to get your feedback.
Parker Woodward
@nird Is the site down?
Nir Dremer
@parkerwoodward it's slow and we're on it.. should be back to full speed in few min..
Parker Woodward
@nird looks like its up and running again :) Looks great! Now who is going to make one of these for remote teams! hehe
Nir Dremer
@parkerwoodward Good to know it's back :) Remote teams is definitely on our plans.. Any specific thoughts what you would have loved to see?
Parker Woodward
@nird I get it...Silicon Valley is where it's at...so go where it's at is a good move...just so many companies doing great remote work...so I guess it would just be nice to see companies that are "cloud-based" or even just cloud-friendly options...you can really attract great talent this way.
Rotem Yakir
Hi @nird Cool list, I've subscribed. Do you do other stuff except this product?
Nir Dremer
@rotemthegolfer Definitely. our main product is a discovery product that we extracted a small piece of it to create hyper. check it out at www.yodas.com
Moish Levin
Love it!
Jack Smith
is a "Solid Academic Background" really a good indicator that a startup is about to grow fast?
Nir Dremer
@_jacksmith Hey Jack, definitely not. The list includes all the companies that fit the explicit criteria (Just raised Series A, Less than 25 employees, SF Bay). The badges are an addition to give some further analysis on the companies. Does it make more sense now?
Jack Smith
@nird ok got it. I thought that was the criteria on which you were evaluating the companies
Nir Dremer
@_jacksmith Cool. Is there any other list of companies that you would like to see?
Sunil Kalra
tried getting it,, site seems to be down,,
Nir Dremer
@sunilkalra4 It's a bit too slow.. we're on it.. it should be ok now
Diana Moldavsky
Great stuff! Much needed too. Best of luck!
Wilhem Pujar
Growth =/= Team growth. I actually think this could be a great product to detect startups that have a significantly high chance of failing :)
Nir Dremer
@wilhempujar Interesting direction. What would you do with such a list?
Lior Gonnen
@nird Can you please explain more how the product works behind the scenes?
Nir Dremer
@lior_gonnen Lior, that's a great question. The relatively easy part is to find who recently raised money and we do it mostly through monitoring the press and limiting what we present only to companies that fit the criteria (Series A + below 25 employees + SF Bay Area) Behind the scenes we do much more complex stuff in order to evaluate the companies and a hint for that can be seen in the badges below the company description. In essence, we built search engine that profiles companies in depth by looking at the companies website, github activity any anywhere we could find information about the founders, investors, team, product and even the code itself. This is being developed mostly for our discovery engine - Yodas (www.yodas.com) and we benefit from it in Hyper.
Kumar Thangudu
What does solid academic background mean?
Nir Dremer
@datarade Hi Kumar, that's a great question: In essence, we built search engine that profiles companies in depth by looking at the companies website, github activity any anywhere we could find information about the founders, investors, team, product and even the code itself. This is being developed mostly for our discovery engine - Yodas (www.yodas.com) and we benefit from it in Hyper. The badges are a teaser if things of up and coming features...
Kumar Thangudu
@nird You didn't answer the question. How do you say one academic background is better than another? School reputation? US rankings? etc...
Nir Dremer
@datarade that badge in specific refers to the % of people in the company that have degrees (with increased weight as the degree is more advanced). The top 20% of companies receive the badge. Makes sense now ? (We will soon add tooltip to the badges to make it clearer)
Great Idea. Any way to get an invite for the beta? Would like to test it out.
Nir Dremer
@toabsorb definitely, drop me an email to nir AT yodas.com
Bryan Harris
How would you compare this to Mattermark and their growth score? You should also checkout what the folks at breakoutlist.com used to publish. They unfortunately haven't updated the site in some time, but there site is super powerful.
Nir Dremer
@bharris315 Thanks Bryan, we've definitely checked breakoutlist, Mattermark and few other smaller players. Hyper list in specific is focused on one simple thing - finding relatively stable early stage startups who are about to grow significantly. We find it to be great opportunity for individuals who want to optimize for impact and personal growth. The badges below the team description are a teaser of a deeper analysis we do to add more details on each company. more will come soon... :) As for Mattermark growth score. Our main product (yodas.com) is designed from the perspective of individual who's exploring what next in his/hers career which leads to a significantly different product.
An impressive idea, and we're happy to be on your list. Thanks!
Nir Dremer
@teforia Our pleasure! the beauty of a data driven list is that you're features this week yet we have never spoke before :)
Kashish Sharma
@nird firstly, congratulations and all the best for this. I'm a religious Crunchbase and Angellist user, and other analytics platform like Traxcn and trak.in (indian startup ecosystem). Curious on how you plan to bring competitive edge when pitted against established platforms? Angellist has positioned itself decent enough for tech hiring as well.
Nir Dremer
@kashish_sharma Thank you for the kind words and the great question. We're building Yodas to be the best experience to discover and pursue career opportunities. When it comes to discovery there're several products out there like the ones you have mentioned but they are supporting multiple use-cases and often times career is not on the top of their list. Further more, we're focused solely developers which means that we will often do things that wouldnt make sense for the other players but for us it will. An example would be looking at the company github repository and tracking key employees contributions to open source to rank company involvement in open source. We will start rolling out more stuff soon and I think it will be clearer :) if you want to give the product a try I would love to hear what you think. Drop me an email to nir AT yodas.com.