Hey Seth :)
If you were creating a university from scratch - what are 3 things you would do differently than the traditional universities we have today?
@shaanvp Why don't we build all universities from scratch? They're expensive enough and time-consuming enough and important enough that we deserve it. The legacy stuff that's just too hard to change ought to be changed, right?
Here's my take on what needs to happen:
@shaanvp oh man, this question reminds me of one the posts that made me fall in love with Seth...the NoBS program...think I read the original version in FastCompany: http://sethgodin.typepad.com/set...
@thisissethsblog it has been quite awhile, hope all is well. Question: what gives you more enjoyment: success from things other people enabled in you; or things you have enabled in others?
@micah This is priceless. Love this question. Without a doubt, teaching others. But, when you find something, when you're taught something, and it lasts for years and creates joy, how cool is that?
Just bought this book because of PH!! Question for Seth! If you could only use one marketing platform to market your products, what platform would it be and what would to do to make sure it is effective?
Can't wait to hear!
@harrystebbings Thanks Harry! The one platform is a simple one, and so easy to avoid: Humanity.
Make stuff for humans.
That humans choose to talk about.
That makes their lives and their communities better.
My pleasure to introduce Seth Godin for a live AMA today at 11 am PST (ask questions in advance...!)
Seth Godin is the author of 18 bestsellers, a popular blogger and founder of the altMBA. Check out his new book, It's your Turn!
To see more Seth, check him out on the Product Hunt podcast: https://soundcloud.com/product-h...
Buy the book here! www.yourturn.link
Hello @eriktorenberg & @thisissethsblog,
I just purchased the book because of this post on PH. I already know who I will be sharing my extra copy with and once I am done with my copy I have another person in mind as well!
"What changes in yourself came about from writing this book?" | Main Question
"What technology do you use when writing and planning a book?", "What resources (web site, podcast, your community, etc) do you go to most often to learn?"
@_birdwell@eriktorenberg Thanks Josh.
"What changes in yourself came about from writing this book?"
I cried more than usual. I noticed things I hadn't been noticing. And I slowed down dramatically--in the way I sit with ideas for a bit longer. It doesn't always have to be a round of Jeopardy.
"What technology do you use when writing and planning a book?", "What resources (web site, podcast, your community, etc) do you go to most often to learn?"
I don't write like most people. In this case, I used InDesign and designed the book myself as I was writing it. It was cool. Not sure I can do it every time, but it stretched me.
I learn from hundreds of blogs, dozens of podcasts and a few books a week. I'm not picky. No reason to be.
@bentossell You only need one, Ben:
wait for it...
Write daily. Doesn't have to be long, doesn't have to be good.
If you write every day, it'll improve. Promise.
Hey @thisissethsblog ! Long time fan!
Why did you choose to do a physical book only book in this Kindle, minimalist (don't own things) and instant gratification age?
Won't this take away part of the audience you can reach?
@ovinegrean Yes, Ovi, it will. But the only way to satisfy the instant gratification people is to make something I'm less proud of, and something that's less effective at making the change I seek.
And that's why I write. Not to make an income, but to make change.
I think the race to please the lcd is a mistake. It's a mistake in TV, in car design, in pop culture. Do we want everyone to open a strip club that sells junk food? I hope not.
PS if you're here, you're awesome. Thanks for checking in. For Product Hunt mavens, if you go to http://www.yourturn.link before the end of July, save $10 with code JulyPH (go spend it on buttered coffee or something).
@mibi I don't invest. Not in startups, not in individual stocks, not in local restaurants, not in stamps, even. I do own $10,000 in bitcoin, but that was mostly an experiment.
I would imagine that I could have an impact as an investor in startups, but then that would be what I did, what I focused on, what I measured. And I like doing this instead.
It's a focus hygiene issue.
@thisissethsblog Awesome. I just got back from a run and read this, while on my run I was listening to Jon Acuff being interviewed, where he said many authors write a hit book, then get opportunities to consult, give talks, and other things.. all of which are opportunities not to write books.
Hello Seth,
I'd love to learn more about your writing process- where is the best place to write in your opinion? (At home, in a coffee shop, etc.)
Does the environment change as you progress through the writing process or do you typically stick to some routine?
@jeffumbro Hi Jeff. In terms of the state of publishing, I can't do it in a few minutes, but consider this: http://www.thedominoproject.com/ which is worth a read if you care about this sort of thing. Also, http://sethgodin.typepad.com/set... was posted 8 (!!!!) years ago and I was pretty right then, and I think it's relevant.
In terms of a daily blog, I think if you write every day, you start to think differently. You notice things. You share them.
It's worth it.
I want to write more about design, web development and navigating the creative process. Even though I have over 15 years of experience, I always feel my message is too obvious to be valuable. But when I talk to people, I’m reminded of how many things I see without having to look anymore.
Do you have any advice for learning to see and share things I’ve learned that have become obvious?
Can you recommend anything else that may help me develop a voice within my industry?
@julianlloyd I write about obvious things every day. Good thing that's okay.
The real challenging part is putting it forth, standing behind it, listening to the resonance and doing it better next time. You can't do that if you wait.
This is awesome… Thanks so much @eriktorenberg for making this happen - @thisissethsblog thanks so much for taking time.
As involved in the tech/product of product hunt i need to use this chance to pick your brain:
Q: If you had one bit of advice for product hunt what would it be?
Appreciate any product/marketing/tech/community/communication suggestion/rant/idea that you can come up w/ :)
@andreasklinger And we'll end on this, thanks Andreas. Advice piece 1: don't ask drive by folks like me for advice. Advice piece 2: Earn a genuine permission asset, or build a place where the tribe chooses to connect. Those are the only two things that persist over time online.
Thanks for having me.
Thanks for all the fish.
Always bring a towel.
Hey Seth!
I hear about you a lot from countless people, but as a bookworm I admittedly have never bought a book of yours yet. However, I do intend to read into what books you've written very soon.
I was wondering what one book of yours (whether it be this one, Linchpin, or something else) you would recommend for a first-time reader, especially if the reader is focused on personal growth and becoming the best version of him/herself?
@jourdanb21 Thanks Jourdan. A little like asking someone who his favorite daughter or son is, but I think people have responded the most enthusiastically to Your Turn, The Dip, Linchpin and Purple Cow. They can be found here: http://sethgodin.com/sg/books.asp
Hey @thisissethsblog - I've been curious for a while now ... I built "sethgodinhireme.com" back in the day for the internship you posted. Did you ever see it?
@adamevers If you sent me a link, then yes, I did. I'm sorry, Adam, for not getting back to you personally. The asymmetry of the web makes me feel like a jerk all the time.
Hi Seth, thanks for doing this! Two questions, one serious and one fun :)
1. What inspired you to choose horizontal distribution for this new book?
2. What's your favorite summer activity?
@brentsum Hi Brent... Horizontal distribution is what drives the web, it's how you found out about Product Hunt and Facebook and Twitter and 1000 other things you do every day.
I love bookstores, but unfortunately, humans don't, or at least they don't vote with their dollars like they used to.
I think books are a powerful force for change, and a book has a lot more power when it comes from a friend, not from an airport bookstore.
As for summer activity: Style canoeing in Algonquin Park. Hands down.
How do you know if and when it's your turn? How do you contrast the argument of your book with that of the 8th Habit: find Your voice and help others find their voice, and/or Edgar Scheins ideas about Humble Inquiry? or even the first of the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People: Seek first to understand then to be understood?
@dturneresq Doesn't one need to take a turn in order to listen, to focus on other people, to contribute to the community? Every book has to have a title, but the message of the book goes beyond two words. I'm pushing people to speak up when they see injustice, to sing when they have a song to contribute, to feel the tension of doing work that might not work.
And I think it's always your turn to do that.
@thisissethsblog I get that completely, but it seems to me at least that if as I believe was correctly identified in The ClueTrain Manifesto there are times to speak and times to listen. And sometimes it can be hard to tell the difference. I am just getting started as a Mentor in an Accelerator, and I come across this all the time, a kind of tension between speaking the unvarnished truth and being ... nice.
@dturneresq Like you for... always smiling and saying yes? They might like that in the short run, but they won't even remember you in a year. I think it's better to be liked for caring enough to create tension that causes change that causes people to get closer to their dreams, no?
@thisissethsblog I know the AMA is "over" but just wanted to go a bit deeper on this. My issue is real and not just emotional although I guess it is a bit strategic. on the one hand I get that my role as a mentor is not to be liked - in fact I need to resist that impulse. When I am trying to get a job (I am a freelance designer) I have a different attitude and am more filled with doubt that this is a good strategy.
@mareklachauthor Hi Marek, thanks for starting us off. Semantics matter, especially to writers, and the word 'talent' is a minefield.
Talent is an excuse, a reason we give for why we didn't win, or didn't try, or didn't contribute. Talent, it seems, is for other people.
I'm not buying it.
Maybe for flute or basketball, but for telling stories, seeing other people for who they are, contributing to a community? I hope we all have that, and I'm ready to call it a skill, something we can earn.
Also, do you think that in what matters in writing more is the presentation (layout, grammar and universal appeal), or the depth of the message (I know it's both, but please pick one).
Thank you for the privilege of asking the legend :).
@mareklachauthor Marek, two for two: If you go to a job interview at the Vatican wearing cut off jeans, it's unlikely you will be heard or appreciated.
Our message wears a costume. It will always be better received if it's dressed appropriately.
Terrible horrible no good very bad ideas
Tim Ferriss Show #177 - Seth Godin on How to Think Small to Go Big
Terrible horrible no good very bad ideas
Tim Ferriss Show #177 - Seth Godin on How to Think Small to Go Big
Tim Ferriss Show #177 - Seth Godin on How to Think Small to Go Big
Product Hunt
Tim Ferriss Show #177 - Seth Godin on How to Think Small to Go Big
Tim Ferriss Show #177 - Seth Godin on How to Think Small to Go Big
Tim Ferriss Show #177 - Seth Godin on How to Think Small to Go Big
Tim Ferriss Show #177 - Seth Godin on How to Think Small to Go Big
AI Social Post Generator by SocialBee
Tim Ferriss Show #177 - Seth Godin on How to Think Small to Go Big
Tim Ferriss Show #177 - Seth Godin on How to Think Small to Go Big
Product Hunt
Tim Ferriss Show #177 - Seth Godin on How to Think Small to Go Big
Internships in SF
Tim Ferriss Show #177 - Seth Godin on How to Think Small to Go Big
Tim Ferriss Show #177 - Seth Godin on How to Think Small to Go Big
Tim Ferriss Show #177 - Seth Godin on How to Think Small to Go Big
Tim Ferriss Show #177 - Seth Godin on How to Think Small to Go Big
Tim Ferriss Show #177 - Seth Godin on How to Think Small to Go Big
Product Hunt
Tim Ferriss Show #177 - Seth Godin on How to Think Small to Go Big
Product Hunt
Tim Ferriss Show #177 - Seth Godin on How to Think Small to Go Big
Tim Ferriss Show #177 - Seth Godin on How to Think Small to Go Big
Internships in SF
Tim Ferriss Show #177 - Seth Godin on How to Think Small to Go Big
Internships in SF
Tim Ferriss Show #177 - Seth Godin on How to Think Small to Go Big
Tim Ferriss Show #177 - Seth Godin on How to Think Small to Go Big
Tim Ferriss Show #177 - Seth Godin on How to Think Small to Go Big
Tim Ferriss Show #177 - Seth Godin on How to Think Small to Go Big
Tim Ferriss Show #177 - Seth Godin on How to Think Small to Go Big