Chris Messina

ZBiotics - Genetically engineered to prevent alcohol's next-day effects

Top Hunter

After 3 years of development, ZBiotics launched the world's 1st genetically engineered probiotic. Ever.
The bacteria are engineered to replicate the function of the liver to break down acetaldehyde - the toxic byproduct of alcohol metabolism - in your gut.

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That's certainly interesting. However, it was my understanding that the byproducts aren't formed in intestines,, so how do the bacteria get at them?
Zack Abbott
@lillian_haye great question! One rarely appreciated fact is that your gut, and particularly your colon (part of your gut), is actually a huge sink and source of acetaldehyde in the body, even more so than the blood or liver (see citation here: In fact, while blood acetaldehyde concentrations generally are around 70-80µM after a night of heavy drinking, colonic acetaldehyde concentrations can reach as high as 300µM. That’s because a large amount of acetaldehyde is actually created in your gut, produced by enzymes in both your intestinal lining and your microbiome in response to alcohol consumption.
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
Big believer in this product! I was in @zack_abbott YC cohort and was a guinea pig for this product which, unlike DHM, uses a genetically engineered probiotic bacteria that breaks down acetaldehyde (the toxic byproduct of alcohol metabolism) in your gut. I use both and they're effective — but I especially like the idea of giving my gut super powers to break down the negative byproduct of liquor metabolism. (OH, but you still need to drink plenty of water!)
Miha Mlakar
I've tested it a number of times and it definitely works!
Edward Kearney
Gave it a try, and even as a sufferer of Asian Flush, still worked pretty good.
Joe Connolly
Tried this last year during Santa Con... Can confirm, works as advertised.
Steven Clausnitzer
I was at a TechCrunch event last summer and I had a chance to test drive the product. I only have an N of 1 but I can say with confidence that I felt great the next morning. I definitely shouldn't have :) The packaging looked different then. It is much improved. Good luck with the launch!
Ryan Marien
Really loved learning the science research behind this. Tried it last summer after night of moderate/heavy drinking - woke up feeling pretty fresh and rested the next day (enough to go for a hard 2 hour bike ride with zero hangover feelings). Hope you launch in Canada soon - will need you at an upcoming bachelor party :)
T. Dalton Combs
This is pretty awesome. Any idea how long it typically sticks around in someone's gut?