Hi Product Hunters! Thanks for checking us out!
On behalf of the ZCast team, we're so pleased to launch version 2.0 of our app here on Product Hunt. This version features recording, landing pages, meta-data, improved search, improved playback, and more. Check out our blog for more details: http://bit.ly/2cwKEir
It really has been quite a ride for the team. There have been many ups and downs that led to this point. More on that here: http://bit.ly/2cwLgV4
Thank you for your continued support, and please don't hesitate asking us any question that comes to mind. Feel free to give us feedback on the product here: support@zcast.co
@hilzfuld This is great man 👍. Since I've been following your snaps and our short meeting in Tel Aviv, I've been curious to see what the next version of @zcast would look like. Congrats on the successful launch, looking forward to exploring what the new features can do!
@yoavvilner This version is the golden version where we finally unleashed recording (the #1 request from users,) landing pages, meta data for visibility, and more. We're stoked to release an update that is full of the top user requests. More info on our blog: https://about.zcast.co/blog/what... Thanks for your support!
@arnon_catalan Hope you give us a try this time around, Arnon. This update caters to companies towards branding efforts, with landing pages and social sharing.
Cool. @hilzfuld, I know you guys had some great initial traction - can you talk a little bit about the process of identifying key points to improve? How did you determine where to double-down effort?
@eytanbuchman Although we had an understanding of what needed to be worked on internally, it was ultimately user-feedback that helped us decide where to double-down efforts on. Recording, landing pages, and meta-data were the biggest requests. We're a surprisingly tiny team, and we try to best to ensure that every second of our efforts pack a real punch in terms of product.
@eytanbuchman@hilzfuld Ditto on the user-feedback. The product team has a huge list of requests that they made a note of from emails and social. We take these things very seriously. By nature, ZCast is all about keeping the users happy. Next big thing to tackle is releasing the Android version.
@thepaulcurran As easy as it is to list big names in podcasting in response to your question, the truth is our goal is to serve regular people who have a lot of insight to share, but never previously gave traditional podcasting a go because of the barriers it presents. We want them to try ZCast because it's quick, easy, and obviously free. Also, with the rise of video broadcasting apps such as Periscope or FB Live- we want people who are camera shy to feel free to voice their thoughts and not be left out. We learned through version 1.0 that it's these people, the regular average-Joes, that offer the most unique content, and also create the most engaging communities of listeners.
Hi everyone! Thank you so much for the love!
Our team worked really hard through many trials and tribulations to make 2.0 happen. Your support really means a LOT.
Feel free to play around with ZCast, and gently let us know your thoughts. :-) We really take every request into consideration, heck, this update is based on the top requests from our users.
Thanks again! <3
@itamarw Thanks man! Long overdue for sure, and we hope it was worth the wait. We're a tiny team, which is why it took us a while to get around to fulfilling the top requests from our users. Let me know what you think of 2.0!
Great article on this new version of ZCast by Paul Sawers of Venturebeat -> "ZCast wants to be the defacto mobile podcasting app for creators and consumers" http://bit.ly/2cgDn8S
@delwilliams That is the next big project for us- we know! Truth is, we're a tiny team and it's tricky for us to pick and choose what to take on. The workaround for Android users (for now) is to use the web version of ZCast on their mobile browser: www.zcast.co But I hear you- we do need an Android version. That'll for sure be the next (overdue) major update.
@delwilliams Oh we are so on it. It's the next big thing on our list. As Hillel said, the workaround is to use the web version on your mobile browser for now. Trust that we have nothing but love for the Android community- we really are on it. :)
We have been using Zcast V1.0 for a number of.months now. Based on Zcast we created a weekly morning show where we have been interviewing many of the most highly visible figures in the Israeli high-tech eco system. Prominent people such as the Mayor of Jerusalem, the Chairman of Israel's largest bank, parliament members and famous serial entrepreneurs have all been guests on our Zcast show. The product is powerful and the roadmap which was shared with us gives us many reasons to continue to use it as the technical foundation of our show. The Zcast team has been outstanding in responding to our endless requirements and they have supported us all the way in a formidable fashion, which helped us create a very popular show with about 10K listeners per episode. Go Zcast!
@izhars7 love you for saying that. You are absolutely our most valuable customer and not only because of the important people on the show but because you gave us a chance to prove ourselves, which we will. Stick with us. Thank you for everything!!
@izhars7 Thank you! Being an early adaptor is not a trivial thing to do, and without people like you we will never be able to get to where we are. Our priorities are constantly shifting to accommodate request of our key users, so thank you for helping us make the right choices as we evolve the platform!
Congrats to @hilzfuld and the @zcastapp team on the new version. The first version was a great innovation into podcasts and I'm sure this version will only grow the great offerings!
Love the landing page concept - that's critical in my mind for a podcaster/content creator's brand and growth. The ability to have a call to action on other platforms that sends followers to a branded podcast destination is key.
@razyalov that's hilarious as I just completed a live stream test on Saturday of a land auction using a video conferencing platform. It would be great to utilize Zcast as well. Genius suggestion. Thanks Raz! I will be providing feedback this week for sure.
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