Prashant Mahajan - Learn product management from the experts

A free resource dedicated to all the curious folks who want to learn, or level-up in Product Management. We hand-picked our favourite learning material and made for you, so you can save time and become a better PM.

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Prashant Mahajan
Hi there, Product Peeps! We come bearing good news for all the aspiring and current product managers out there!! Introducing ProductManager.Wiki — A free resource dedicated to all the curious folks who want to learn, or level-up in Product Management. Why are we launching this website? 🤔 As a Product Manager, you are trying to solve multiple problems simultaneously, for the smooth functioning of the product and company at large. With, we aim to provide centralized access to the best freely available PM content. It will be your one-stop solution for everything you need to learn or acquire knowledge on anything and everything related to Product management. What does it include? 🎁 The content is categorized into 5 levels considering your experience level as a product manager. ➡️ Aspiring PMs ➡️ PM Interviews ➡️ Product Managers ➡️ Senior PMs ➡️ Product Leaders The core topics will include User Research, Product Artefacts, Strategy and Execution, Product Design, Tech for PMs, Launch, Growth, Product Analysis, Business, and Leadership. Show us some love ❤️ We welcome you to enjoy learning on and looking forward to your feedback, love, and support today.
Saeed Motamed
It's a great source for learning product management. I really appreciate your efforts.
Prashant Mahajan
@saeedtrips Thanks Saeed, happy to hear this!
Ali Sayed
It's an excellent resource for education in product management. I truly appreciate all of your hard work @prashant_mehajan.
Praveen Kumar
Great curated resource for all Product Managers.
Prashant Mahajan
@praveenbayari Thanks for checking it out, Praveen!
Bipin Vishal
Amazing work, great resource for all Product managers.
Mahima Arora
One is always looking for the right resources to upskill. This solves that all together!
Shivank Mathur
Great collection for any Product manager’s upskilling !
Sanjana Jain
One of the great resource for learning and up skilling Product management.
Prashant Mahajan
@sanjana_jain2 Thanks Sanjana!
Jacob Koshy
Excited for the PH community to check out PM Wiki. We hand-picked some of the best content on web for folks who want to succeed in their product career. Hope this helps someone out there, and thanks for the love and support on our launch. 😇
Shivank Mathur
Good collection of resources for all Product managers.
Shushant Lakhyani
Congratulations on the launch!
Prashant Mahajan
@shushant_lakhyani Thank you for the support Shushant, cheers!
Nimesh Mathur
@prashant_mahajan - The quality of everything that you and Zeda team has curated/built so far has been absolutely top notch; for the product management community, as well as for the Enterprises (
Hüseyin Kara
This is exactly what I look for! Thanks for it. Good luck with your launch!
Prashant Mahajan
@huseyin_kara Happy to hear this, thanks a ton for your support!
Shubham Dhawan
This was so required. Amazing resource Prashant and team. I'm sure, this will be a regular source of knowledge for both current and aspiring PMs. Congrats on the launch!
Prashant Mahajan
@shubham_dhawan We really hope so, Shubham. Appreciate you checking it out, cheers!
Dan Robins
Congrats on the launch guys!
Amay Bhatnagar
We're thrilled to launch PM Wiki! We hand-picked some of the best content on Product Management to learn from, and are excited to see what you can do with it. Let us know what you think!
Varun Razora
I am not Product manager but i have to learn these skills soon for our startups. Thanks for bringing great resources. Good luck.
Bren Kinfa 💎 SaaS Gems
Cool, seems like a useful collection of curated resources! Thanks for putting this together. 👍
Kanika Arora
Great resource to learn for all Product Managers.
Pradeep Varadaraja Banavara
@prashant_mahajan thanks for putting this together.