Martin Welker

Hypernotes - Create, share, and understand knowledge in a new way


Hypernotes is a knowledge management app with bi-directional linking, outlining, and super-powered collaboration features.

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Martin Welker
Hello Product Hunt πŸ‘‹ Meet Hypernotes! The tools traditionally used to capture and share knowledge are linear and hierarchical by nature. Most popular knowledge bases and note apps are very limited by their pre-defined hierarchies and folders. This inevitably leads to hundreds, if not thousands of notes containing valuable knowledge that end up gathering dust because it’s simply too difficult to find them. Who hasn’t started taking notes, writing down ideas, and collecting useful quotes and articles, only to forget what it was called, where it should be stored, or even what category it belongs in? This means that knowledge is lost and forgotten, and all that note-taking led to nothing... With Hypernotes, notes organically link to one another, so finding relevant knowledge is much easier, even if a note was written years ago! (And even if you totally forgot about it.) Hypernotes creates a living knowledge base. The more you write, the greater your knowledge becomes and the more links are created between things you didn’t even consider to be related! The knowledge graph is the cherry on top, making finding connections an intuitive, visual experience. Collaboration features like in-line task creation, task assignments, due dates & notebook level overviews make Hypernotes the perfect tool for teams, too! Hypernotes achieves these lofty goals with a number of features that have become the gold-standard for personal and organizational knowledge management in recent years: πŸ” Bi-directional linking between related notes πŸ“ Outlining of large topics into smaller sub-topics, πŸ’‘ Automated suggestions to link related but as yet unconnected notes, πŸ“ƒ Embedding of text blocks to reduce duplicate content, πŸ”— Knowledge graph for better discovery, πŸ‘―β€β™€οΈ Extensive collaboration on the task, note, and notebook level, πŸ“± Mobile apps on all platforms and offline access. In addition, Hypernotes uniquely offers: - GDPR conformity and EU-based servers, - Enterprise-grade admin and user management (SSO, SCIM, Roles&groups), - Activity tracking on task, note, and notebook levels. - Advanced task management (Assignments, due date, etc) - Built-in dedicated productivity tools through Zenkit Suite, And last not least: FREE plans available! Head to to register for your free account πŸ™Œ
Valentin Haarscher
Congrats for the launch ! What are your key differentiators from tools like Notion or RoamResearch ?
Martin Welker
@valentin_haarscher Great question Valentin, thanks! Compared to Notion we've got the graph, EU servers, & chat functions. Compared to Roam - mobile apps, speed πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ, graph functions like focus & collapse, & business admin functions πŸ‘ Of course, each app has it's own strengths and weaknesses and I can't list absolutely all the differences but I hope that gives you a good idea.
Martin Welker
@valentin_haarscher almost forgot: maybe THE main difference is that Hypernotes is embedded within a suite of dedicated tools like Zenchat and Zenkit To Do. This keeps Hypernotes "uncluttered" and prevents feature overflow. On the other hand you have advanced task managment and a full-featured chat system in place.
Hey @martinwelker I'm a huge fan of the Zettelkasten System as well as I have Zenkit on my watchlist of potential alternatives to Asana. Currently I'm using Workflowy (before Roam) for my Zettelkasten and Asana (before Trello) for my daily productivity flow. Zenkit has the potential to me to combine both in one. So people like me only need to use one software. Great work! I've been looking into Hypernotes and have several Questions: 1. Performance with a lot of notes People with a serious Zettelkasten have 10.000+++ of notes in their Zettelkasten. One of the main issues are, that systems get slower and slower over time, as more and more notes you have. That's why people with Zettelkasten Systems prefer very simple tools like Workflowy or Roam. Have you been testing Hypernotes with 10.000+++ Notes and know the performance of the software? Especially because you also allow images etc. to be included which tend to slow down the performance quite a bit. What is your experience? How do your software perform in terms of speed with a lot of notes in a Zettelkasten? People like me don't want to move my Zettelkasten System to a new software just to figure out it's way too slow (happened to me already). 2. How standalone or interconnected with Zenkit Suite will Hypernotes become in the future? I assume for performance reasons you have to make Hypernotes as a standalone project and can't combine Zenkit Suite with Hypernotes because Advanced Features like KanBan, MindMap, Eisenhower Matrix, Gantt, Reporting as well as "Labels" etc. might slow down the system way tooo much. But what is on your roadmap? Which features you might want to integrate in the future into Hypernotes? E.g. would "labels" be helpful to me, if I want to use the Tasks part within Hypernotes. 3. Getting Things Done Method + Zettelkasten Method = Perfect Hypernotes The main reason for me to use Asana is to have a daily ToDo List (MyTasks) which can be categorized into Task for "Today", "Upcoming" and "Later". I'm using the Getting Things Method quite heavily for that. Neither in Zenkit Suite nor in Hypernotes I can find such a feature. Do I miss something here (Future feature request!)? The combination of Zettelkasten System with Hypernotes + Getting Things Done Method with Labels/Projects & "Today, Upcoming and Later" functionality would be my perfect tool. How close do you get or intend to combine these productivity methods? Elsewise I'm pretty impressed about your results. It seems like you have been looking at all the other Zettelkasten and notetaking tools and combined it to one of the best products out there. Well done! Cheers Torge
Martin Welker
@torge_janiesch thx! 1. absolutely right. we are heading to a 100k notes capability. Virtual scrolling etc. are on our list. Important: the graph view should also "work" with 100k notes. Not only performance-wise, but "understanding"-wise. Showing everything at once is not suitable for big networks. Therefore we have a "focus" mode which only shows selected nodes and their neighbor note. 2. Hypernotes is a standalone product. AND it is on the same platform as every other Zensuite app. No syncing required. 3. Very close. we gather ALL tasks from ALL products in our agenda view in to-do. We will add global labels soon. This enables you to implement GTD on a global level. Torge, please try Hypernotes in the real world and come back to me with your insights. That would be great.
@martinwelker Thanks for a fast reply. I'm looking forward to the global labels soon :) "The main reason for me to use Asana is to have a daily ToDo List (MyTasks) which can be categorized into Task for "Today", "Upcoming" and "Later". I'm using the Getting Things Method quite heavily for that. Neither in Zenkit Suite nor in Hypernotes I can find such a feature. Do I miss something here (Future feature request)" Do you have such feature already and I haven't found it? Or is this something on your roadmap to come? If so, when?
Siobhan O'Rorke
@martinwelker @torge_janiesch You could use the label feature in Base to handle that (just create those labels for yourself in a collection). Or if you want to use To Do, you could maybe approximate it with the smart lists "Today" and "This week" (instead of upcoming), and create a list to cover "Later". Martin mentioned global labels are on the roadmap, which means that you'd be able to create those labels and use them to tag tasks in any list/collection etc in any of the apps. Hope that helps!
@martinwelker @siororke Okay. I was looking into Zenkit Base and Zenkit ToDo and see how to work with Zenkit with the feature to categorize Tasks into "Today", "Upcoming" and "Later" in a list - which Asana solved in a great way for me to use the GTD Method. This feature is probably the Nr. 1 feature I'm missing within the Zenkit Universe. That's why I didn't move from Asana yet back then when you launched Zenkite Base and Zenkit ToDo and I saw you added more and more features. I'm still hoping you can implement that feature in the future. That's a gamechanger for me within Asana. A ToDo List as "Backlog-Inbox" sorted by "Today", "Upcoming" and "Later". The Inbox of Zenkit ToDo doesn't work for me because to see what needs to be done for "Today" and "This Week" requires that I label a due date for each task. And often enough I have task which would need to be done next, after previous tasks without a fix due date. I can create a list called "Today", "Upcoming" and "Later". But it seems like I can't have 1 tasks in two lists -> E.g. "Today" and "SEO". Maybe global labels would help in that case by labelling the Tasks topic/list as "SEO" but have the task in "Today" or "Upcoming or "Later" folder. But for now it doesn't work for me. The Inbox of Zenkit Base is pretty much the same issue as with Zenkit ToDo. I can label the tasks as "Today", "Upcoming" and "Later" - but whenever I want to change the status from "Upcoming" to "Today" - it's 3 clicks until the label is changed + I have to move the task into the correct order and list. And it seems like its either not possible or very complicated to have tasks in two different lists e.g. "Today" and "SEO". But yeah - it's way easier for me to move the task in Asana from "Upcoming" to "Today" rather than change label names within Zenkit. You do have the section-function "Task needs to be done" and "Done" in a list. I wish you had the section-function "Today", "Upcoming" and "Later" within one list as well to move tasks between different Stages/sections e.g. from "Upcoming" to "Today". Having 100+ Tasks in one list in one long order with different labels is just overwhelming in my daily routine. For me it helps a lot, that I have a List of ToDos but only focus on the task which should be done by "Today" and when this part get's empty, I can drag-and-drop upcoming task to the "Today" Part of the ToDo List. I assume because you want to easily change between a list view, Kanban view, Gantt View and so on this feature can't be implemented due to the structure of Zenkit?
Martin Welker
@siororke @torge_janiesch got it. we are working on global labels. expect Q3-Q4 2021. (sorry, its a few month I know)
Stowe Boyd
I have been testing the product over the recent past, and it's quite promising. [I prodded the team to offer inline todos, perhaps along with others. But anyway, it's now available.] The like the idea that Hypernotes is one part of a suite of tools, all taking advantage of shared elements, like the Zenkit 'spreadbase' architecture, and todos. I just wish I could disable the explicit bullets on every Hypernote block, so notes would look less listy. Have yet to try porting parts of my system for journaling and work management from Notion, but I plan to give it a try.
Martin Welker
@stowe_boyd Hi Stowe, Happy that you like it so far. Its just the beginning ;) We have some ideas how to combine both approaches ("outlining" and conventional "note-taking") - without adding extra complexity to the onboarding experience. Do you already have a concrete idea how to include that (e.g. switching views, selection of page-styles etc.)? If so we'd love to hear your thoughts. Please keep us updated!
Siobhan O'Rorke
@stowe_boyd Yep, we added inline tasks thanks to prompts from you and others - thanks for all your early feedback!
Roland Scheld (Upperred)
Very good!
Siobhan O'Rorke
@roland_scheld_upperred thank you Roland 😊
Benoit Chambon
First time I see a note tool with nice UX and highly customizable! Congrats on the launch! :)
Martin Welker
@benoit_chambon Thank you so much Benoit!
Jonas Wi
That looks so cool! Notes on steroids. Can't wait to test the graphs. Thanks for your great work!
Martin Welker
@jonas_wi Thanks Jonas!
Felix Marmann
Uhhh a knowledge graph... Haven't seen that before. Smart move! πŸ€“
Martin Welker
@felix_marmann We're not the first but we've worked hard to build a few really cool innovations into it 😎 Would love to hear your experiences with it! You can check out some of the ideas from the info menu on the graph page - focussing & collapsing are a lot of fun πŸ˜‰
Can Sofyalioglu
It's always good to see another knowledge manager. Also, it should be mentioned that the quick link to the app on PH's home page doesn't work. I mean the grey hidden link which is visible on hover redirects me to ""
Siobhan O'Rorke
@can_sofyalioglu thanks for pointing that out! I'll take a look now :)
Siobhan O'Rorke
@can_sofyalioglu should be fixed πŸ‘ now it will just direct to the EN version of the page. Thanks again!
Agathe Mametz
When do you guys rest? To be honest there are so much things in your galaxy of product that I don't know wich one I should use for my project πŸ˜… For example, there are To-Dos in every product, and I don't understand if they are the same thing, if they are connected or not. I suppose the Zenkit galaxy of products needs a bit of finish to be very clear about the connexions between the tools. But anyway, really a great job, congrats for this lauch !
Martin Welker
@_entropea :) Great. That is exactly how it is: Tasks and commenting IS basically always involved. Tasks are not only connected - they are the same thing over the Zenkit platform. You can always work with the best tool for the situation: Sometimes its a note app, sometimes a to-do app, sometimes a chat. The data is always in syn. No more silos. Examples: 1. You add some tasks in your Hypernotes text - you see them instantly in our agenda within the Zenkit To-Do app - together with all your other task. 2. You add comments somewhere Hypernotes or To-Do - and you see them instantly in Zenchat.
Agathe Mametz
@martinwelker Yes, I supposed it was how it works, but tbh I am a bit lost with all of this, but maybe it's because the product is overkill for my needs. I will give Hypernotes a go for a side project of mine. I was very interested by Roam Research when I discovered it but your visual graph is a killer feature :)
AWO Mobiler Dienst Gießen
good Support for Project-Management
Oleg Baobei
Great job guys! :) What's the most important feature that makes hypernotes different from other note taking apps?
Martin Welker
@oleg_baobei Thanks Oleg! The main differences to normal note apps is the networking aspect - bi-directional links between notes, the knowledge graph, etc. Compared to other apps of this type, we also offer much more advanced task features, GDPR conformity & mobile apps 😎
Nikolay Emelianov
Nice news! Will definitely use it in our projects with other Zenkit tools
Martin Welker
@n_doc Thank you Nikolay!
AndrΔ— Jahnel
Really cool note tool!
Siobhan O'Rorke
@andy_2000 Thanks AndrΔ—!
Cica-Laure MbappΓ©
Congrats on launching! Hypernotes looks amazing. Might be very useful for personal researches.
Jofen KihlstrΓΆm
Very cool - looks much like but with additional features - gonna try it out soon :-)
Siobhan O'Rorke
@jofen_kihlstrom Thanks Jofen! It is a bit like Obsidian, you're right. There's a few apps like this but we really hope the innovations we've added (and the connection with the rest of the Zenkit suite) make it stand out 😊
Fabi I
Looks amazing! As always :)
Siobhan O'Rorke
@fabi_i Thanks Fabi! We hope you enjoy it 😊
Jens Dapper
Very good!
Siobhan O'Rorke
@jens_dapper thanks Jens!
Dylan Deberge
Really cool note tool, with top UX! I recommend.
Siobhan O'Rorke
@dylan_deberge thank you Dylan! ☺️
We-Empower Inc.
Very happy with Zenkit products for our NGO. Thanks.
Siobhan O'Rorke
@we_empower_inc Glad you like them!