Gabriel Lewis

Zenly - Locate your friends in realtime - GPS tracker

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Antoine Martin
Thanks @gabriel__lewis for hunting us! We are super happy to be on PH today! Hi guys! Co-founders of Zenly here, hoping to catch some quality feedback on what we are doing. We’ve been on a mission to popularize constant location sharing for the past 5 years. Zenly is now the closest thing to a social network built on a map, with your friends and family. We were hardcore users of Foursquare and Gowalla but felt there was too much friction in the asynchronous check-in. We launched our first app 3 years ago that was focused on families & teen security. It did well in terms of downloads, and very bad in terms of retention. People were deleting the app because it was killing their batteries… So we spent more than 2 years cracking low-power, realtime anytime, and precise location sharing. We released in stealth what was our internal prototype a year ago only hoping to catch 200-300 users who would validate our algorithms IRL. We’ve been growing by 8% per week organically since and are launching officially today. On average people receive 6-8 phone calls & texts about their location per day: “I’m leaving” “I’ll be here in 10 mins” “Where are you?” “On my way”. Zenly is the best way to get an answer immediately, sharing your location continuously or temporarily, in the app, or through a URL. Hundreds of thousands of people around the globe are using Zenly every week. Teens use it with large groups of friends to stay connected, never miss out, meet-up, find each other outdoors (festivals, beaches, etc). Families, roommates and couples use it to coordinate, and for safety reasons. NGOs use it to keep track of their dispatched team members, often in remote areas around the world. There is even a bus system in Chile using it to communicate bus positions to their customers. We discover new use cases every day… you can even share your location with a link temporarily anywhere on the web... Our users engage in conversations based on what they see in Zenly, and the next step is allowing them to happen in-app. The very first proof of concept is our emojis which one could see as Yo with context. 2 taps and 1 emoji to share a message that’s often more explicit that 200 characters. Looking forward hearing from you all! Ask us anything! EDIT: @romaindillet was nice enough to share some thoughts about his experience with Zenly on @techcrunch
Dan Rosenshain
@an21m "On average people receive 6-8 phone calls & texts about their location per day" Source? I like the sound of how you grew until launch. It feels you were able to slowly capture value through UX iteration rather than feature-wise since it seems there aren't many features. Was this a pivot? are you bootstrapped? any investments? Now for the obvious question: How do you plan to monetize? since this is peer to peer, unlike 4sq, I tend to believe it has less monetary value. IAP for vanity stuff? Ads? Premium features? Edit: OK, read the TC article, 10m euros is quite a lot, and very impressive investors. I guess your metrics speak for themselves. I'm interested to know how did you fund building the product before the investment? Seed? Bootstrapped? It's rather rare to see startups waiting to nail the product before getting a substantial funding round. Kudos.
Hugo Fauquenoi
@an21m @gabriel__lewis @romaindillet @techcrunch Quite impressed by the playful UX and the low battery consumption, it's rock solid! Q: How do you guys see competition with Facebook Messenger? Their strength: they own the network (all my friends are using it, it's easy to share my location with them). I guess it's the end of "I'll be there in 5 minutes!" and "I'm already on my way" when I'm still stuck in the couch.. Btw, French power! 🇫🇷🍷
Antoine Martin
Thanks @danr_4 ! Bootstrapped, Launch, Seed, Pivot. Bootstrap again. We ate pasta for years :) All our cash was going into engineering, buying test devices, and design. We have a few plans to monetize but it's too early to focus on them yet. All our efforts go into growth & product, shooting for 1M DAUs as fast as we can.
Antoine Martin
Great question @hfauq ! A few years ago Google couldn't push the privacy questions around your online identity & photo sharing because they had a brand asset to protect. Facebook took the social space. We think it will be a pure player, cross-os, and entirely focused on the subject that will take the location sharing vertical. Just like Instagram & Snapchat took photo sharing on mobile, or WeChat & Whatsapp were winning chat before Messenger.
Hugo Fauquenoi
@an21m Focus always wins! I'm confident you'll nail this. People look really engaged with the app! Cheers!
Ben Tossell
I feel like there is a good idea in this space. Sup and Drop Messages are doing something vaguely similar too. I just wonder why Zenly felt the need to add emojis and battery life as part of its core offering. I think focusing effort on something more substantial to make the app stand out would be better. (just my opinion) As Ive said previously, I feel like this would work well as an invisible app/chatbot
Antoine Martin
Hey @bentossell you are on the spot for the invisible app! We are working on integration to Alexa, and have an internal slack bot that responds to questions like “where is Ben?” or “when will ben come back from lunch?”. We’ll be opening up a few APIs in the coming weeks and look forward to what will be built on top. Battery life - We used it during the development process as a way to get quick feedback on our latest battery optimizations when out of the office. Beta users loved it so much that we couldn’t take it out… Emojis - 1 in 4 sessions is followed by a communication. People have been bullying us so that we’d allow them to communicate in-app. You have so much context in Zenly (close friends, location on the map) that often you don’t need a complete text message & a real keyboard to share an intention. The feature is a month old, and we discovered that users make riddles to make plans : “Yo + Pizza + ?” and the following response: “Thumb down + Sushi + ?”. We rolled out a custom one for PH btw :)
Jean de La Rochebrochard
I've been following the team since january 2013 out of a random connection after having noticed the release of their first product on twitter. The release of Zenly last year came to me as a revelation of how powerful it could become. I have about 110 friends in my network and can't wait to see more social features to come out, the interactions from knowing where you are in real time are endless and so powerful ! :) Keep pushing guys, it's an honor to be part of your journey !
Antoine Martin
It's an even bigger honor to have you as such a strong believer & backer @2lr ! Our next step is to get you to 20+ openings a day:
Gabriel Lewis
I just installed this on my phone, share my link on twitter. My phone has been buzzing for the last five minutes with notifications of people opening my link... 😯 Cool Idea :)
Antoine Martin
@gabriel__lewis thanks for the hunt & the nice words !
Ali Karagoz
I'm using Zenly for more than a year now, couldn't be more happy with it <3
Val Lefebvre
I love the product, I've been using it for a while and am impressed by the evolution of it. Indeed, the UX is very very well done and you can tell the product team is gearing up on the "fun" part of the experience, making it very accessible and cool to use. High-five to the FRENCHIES :D
Antoine Martin
Thanks @valfounder ! We love what you've been building too :)
Jordan Gonen
This is crazy cool
Louis Malfoy
zenly is my favourite ice-cream flavor, love the new logo, emojis and the go feature are the best. looking forward to send quick picture to alert friends when we are close to them, love the team ❤️⚡️🍦
Antoine Martin
Hey @louis_malfoy care to pass by our office & design an emoji like you did for custom filters in @snapchat?
I've been using Zenly since the early days. Impressed by the execution of the team who achieve to built this awesome tech behind the front. Well done @an21m, @alexisbonillo and all the team!
Antoine Martin
Thanks @cyrilpaglino ! You know that it means a lot considering how in love with @heytribe we are ourselves :) @alexisbonillo
Ofir Chakon
hey @an21m, I REALLY liked the user experience of the app and I think it's fun and intuitive. What power do you have more than Nearby friends feature of Facebook for example?
Antoine Martin
Great question @ofirchakon ! Nearby Friends is an awesome product, and the team that built it (originally from Glancee) also had a great product before that. It's helping us out, evangelising location sharing. Maps with people in general - even within Uber - are helping mentalities on the subject. Now the usecase is very different. It's great to know when one of your friends living abroad is in your hometown, or to get a general idea of who's in the same city as you are. It is still poor and consumes too much battery when trying to pinpoint a realtime position on a map (think meeting-up). It's a feature within a great product like photo sharing is only a feature within Facebook. Snapchat or Instagram have made it their core functionality and have created awesome experiences on top. Our average DAU opens the app 7 to 8 times a day, and the 20% most active open it 22 times on average : Zenly responds to a primary and universal need, knowing what your friends are doing. In the same way that you feel an addiction to knowing what's next in your Facebook feed, our users find surprises in Zenly everyday. I spotted my dad sailing South of Corsica this morning: and a long time friend in Palma de Mallorca while taking these screenshots ! The infinite variability right there (see @nireyal's awesome Hooked) will make me reopen the app later today. We also think it will drive conversations (I just texted both), and that's our next step.
Awesome product (especially the Go to him features !). Best execution i've seen !
Antoine Martin
@remibardoux Thank you Sir!
Julien Le Coupanec
Congrats! I looove this app. The UX is great. Also, the experiment you are running with the ÂŤ Zenly Gift Âť ban seems very interesting to me. I would love to see the impact it is going to have in your community. :)
Antoine Martin
Thanks for the kind words @lecoupa ! We'll share some metrics on how many gifts we send out, to date we've received as many emails as upvotes :)
Pallav Agarwal
Is this different from life360?
Antoine Martin
Hey @pallav_agarwal Life360 was a pioneer in this space and did a lot to evangelize location sharing. When they launched, the privacy questions were too strong to think about anything else than safety & families. 5 years later things have changed, and our signups are mostly teens and people sharing locations with their friends. From what I remember the average user has 1,2 friends in Life360. In Zenly it’s 4,5 and growing as our users go further in their lifecycle. So we are building the feature scope that goes with that… Interested by any cool recommandation you could have !
@an21m @pallav_agarwal I think you can use @Life360 with your friends as well, and there no difference between your product and @Life360 in fact.
Antoine Martin
@platonenkonik I would tend to think that @familyinsafe is closer to @life360 than we are :) Thanks for the upvote!
It is like Waze but with flavours! Love it!
John Mrcd
I really liked the UI and UX - great job.
Élie Slama
Good job guys ! I like the design :)
Antoine Martin
@elieslama Thanks ! All the credits go to @NxtD & @chriskere
James Campbell
What was your biggest challenge building Zenly?
Antoine Martin
Hey @jcampbell_05 big fan of what you guys are doing! Lawrence from DN showed us a beta a few months back, love your take on the subject. Definitely realtime anytime location that's precise & low-power. Having 1 ingredient is easy, having 2 is hard, aiming for the 3 is close to impossible. Especially if you are trying to do it cross-os... We were lucky enough to be joined by incredible engineers, some of whom had spent years coding OSs @ Google & Apple. It's having them with us which changed everything.
Besides maybe the UX what is the difference between Zenly and Life360 or Find My Friends?
Aram Shahinyan
Awesome idea and great implementation. UX really kicks ass. Just a piece of advice: it would be great to present the features of the app on tha landing page, because I had to go to Google Play to find our more about the product.
Antoine Martin
Thanks @aramiggs. @alexisbonillo my cofounder is working day & night on the subject. We are hoping to push a cool web update in the next few days. What's the argument / feature that convinced you the most?
Nine Black
OK first of all the heart on your website for PH users, is not clicking :P ...... and secondly, what are you doin about chicken-egg?.....none of my friends are there on it and I am not willing to send them messages about it as they are tired of my messages....... how old is this app btw?
Antoine Martin
@iamnineblack Thanks for the report, @EtaixJ is on it, will be fixed in a second. The beauty of Zenly, which explains our growth, is that you only need 1 active friend to find value. In certain territories, South Korea notably, Zenly is mostly used by couples with very limited networks in the app. If you are able to get to 3 friends there is 86% chance that you'll still be with us after 12 weeks... Now any help in bringing new users in will be appreciated, feel free to share it with your friends! What you can download from the AppStore or Google Play is brand new, we were in stealth testing out different UIs and feature sets over the last year.