Massimo Chieruzzi

SaaS Examples - Inspiration gallery for your SaaS website, product & emails

Looking for inspiration for your new SaaS website? Wanna quickly check other SaaS welcome emails without signing up to hundreds of them? That’s exactly why I’ve put together SaaS Examples: To always have an up to date inspiration gallery!

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Massimo Chieruzzi
Hey, fellow ProductHunters 👋 Just a month after launching ZeroBlur I’m back at it! Ads, Landing Pages, Emails, Onboarding Flows, Pricing pages… every time I create one of these assets for a SaaS, I spend countless hours browsing through competitors and top companies. I do this to spot the latest trends, get better conversions, and find inspiration overall. The process is super time-consuming, especially if it involves product elements or email flows requiring signing up for free trials, taking countless screenshots, etc. I started saving screenshots of the most exciting inspirations on my Mac a long time ago. Today, it’s time to share them with you. It’s 100% free and always will be; you just have to signup for free to access my whole collection and receive updates and marketing tips every couple of weeks. No spam, I swear! All the content can be browsed by asset type or by company. There are already more than 1,000 examples from 100 SaaS companies, and I’ll keep the list growing every week. I hope you’ll find this helpful and if there’s a great website you think should be featured, just let me know in the comments, and I’ll add it to my backlog! Ciao Massimo
Massimo Chieruzzi
@falak_sher Oh snap you're right... some last minute changes must have broken the signup, give me 10 minutes and it's gonna be fixed!
Massimo Chieruzzi
@falak_sher Signup is fixed but we're having some problem with wordpress cache! Working on it :)
Massimo Chieruzzi
@emarky Thanks! So glad you liked it! We'll keep updating it every week! If only Twitter had a gallery too to grab Twitter Ads...
Sagarika Singh
Wow this looks really useful, @kapilgadhire do check it out
Massimo Chieruzzi
@kapilgadhire @sagarika_singh Thanks 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Anu Varila
Wow! This is something I will definitely take a closer look at :)
Massimo Chieruzzi
@anu_varila Thanks 🙏🏻
Arttu Haho
This is a brilliant idea! This already provides a lot of value but I can already see where this could go when you can do e.g. a competitive analysis rather in minutes than hours or days! Great work! Do you have plans on putting a lot of effort to this in near future? ?makers
Massimo Chieruzzi
@arttuhaho Thanks! Yes those are all great ideas that are on the back of my mind right now :) I'm planning to keep it up to date weekly and keep adding features yes! Monitoring social growth, SEO metrics etc. are all nice features that I might add in the near future. Still, it's a product I'll keep free and a side project... so time is gonna be a constraint for sure :)
Arttu Haho
@massimocw Sounds great! Congrats for a great launch and product. I'm gonna use this for getting getting ideas to improve our website and I'll be following where you take this in near future.
Petteri Puumala
Wow this seems really useful! ?makers Are your customers from all over the world or mainly from a specific continent?
Erica Y
@vylimaki Did you notice this one already? Brilliant!
Massimo Chieruzzi
@vylimaki @eeri2 Thanks Erica!
Valtteri Ylimäki
@eeri2 @massimocw I didn't, but I agree - this is brilliant :) Congrats on launch, Massimo, great work!
Jaskirat Singh
Founders generally maintain some type of internal reference gallery. This is a great collection to get started. Well done!
Irene Wong
My team is really having a hard time with our startup but this is such a big help for us. Thanks!
Massimo Chieruzzi
@irene_wong So glad this is useful for you! Good luck!
Tytti Sandström
Congrats for a great idea and execution!
Atul Ghorpade
Congratuations on the launch, Massimo! Just checked it. Great work.
Iaroslav Chuikov
@irina_heinz take a look, maybe you'll find smth of use
Ghost Kitty
Comment Deleted
Massimo Chieruzzi
@mouna_selmi Thanks 🙏
Sandra Djajic
Great resource for those starting up their SaaS business. Easy to get some inspo for their project and makes the process less stressful.
Massimo Chieruzzi
@maxine_buchert That's exactly the use case, glad you find it useful!!
Stefani Kovachevska
Cool stuff @massimocw ! @alan_dimmer and @taliambender this is worth looking into for our Ultralytics HUB landing page!
Manab Boruah
Just what I was looking for. Thank you!
Raffaele Gaito
This is amazing! What technology/tool did you use to build it?
Massimo Chieruzzi
@duplikey Thanks Raffaele! It's all based on Wordpress with manual data entry right now, no fancy stuff. I prefer to keep the selection manual to ensure quality. At some point I'll likely build something custom for loading the data into Wordpress. Right now it takes too much time, uploading a zip with everything is very possible and would likely save 20minutes per company!
Альберт Веретенников
This project is looking great. Congrats!
Adam MacEachern
Great stuff! Always so helpful to see examples of customer-facing material done well!
Massimo Chieruzzi
@adam_maceachern1 100% agree... I love resources based on examples :)
Aleksi Halsas
Super cool, congratulations on launch!
Great platform! Seems like it definitely saves so many hours spent on endless search for inspirations, and loosing own self in tabs.. >_< Congrats on the launch! I find it very helpful, and I must dive deeper into SaaS Examples! ^_^
Massimo Chieruzzi
@maria_brm Thanks Maria! That's exactly the painpoint I was trying to solve. Have lost myself in endless tabs too many times!
@massimocw And that's how the best products are born - as solutions on own experienced problems ^_^ Thanks for implementing your idea and for sharing your solution with all of us! ^_^