Massimo Chieruzzi

ZeroBlur - Blur sensitive information and share screen with confidence

ZeroBlur is a 100% free Chrome extension to quickly blur sensitive information. Stop worrying about leaking sensitive data when delivering a product demo or a sales call. In few clicks you'll be able to blur any element or page area of any web app or website.

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Massimo Chieruzzi
Hey, fellow ProductHunters! 👋🏻 Every time I was on a video call sharing my screen, I could feel shivers down my spine, wondering if I was sharing any sensitive data... customers' emails or names, api keys, and so on. Of course you should deliver demos from sandboxes... but you don't always have one and you might need to use a real world use case of your app to show a specific feature. And that's always scary! That's why I've built Zero Blur, a completely free Chrome & Edge Extension ( Firefox and Opera coming soon) to blur out page elements or page areas. Once you install the extension you'll be able to: ✅Blur specific DOM elements ✅Blur areas of the page with drag and drop ✅Define the intensity of the blur effect applied ✅For each blur area define if it should be applied only on the current page or domain-wide Everything is stored at a browser level, so every time you enable the extension, all the previously defined blur zones will be restored, no need to redo everything for each demo! ZeroBlur works with websites, server-side apps and PWA! If you find any bug or have features requests please let me know in the comments. Looking forward to reading your feedback and answering any question you might have! Ciao Massimo
Levi Gleb Raskin
@massimocw looks very awesome! I think it could be useful for sales and product team when talking with customers.
Massimo Chieruzzi
@_1_ras 100% that's one of the most common use cases! Especially when you have to show some feature that requires live data to make sense in the demo :)
Firas Abboud
@massimocw Oh, what a wonderful solution to a problem that I'm sure a lot of us are experiencing! I've had my fair share of worrying about sensitive data being seen. Congratulations on this!
Massimo Chieruzzi
Thanks 🙏🏻 let me know if you have any feature request!
Sam Rizzi
@massimocw I do a lot of screencast and felt this issue a lot lately. This is really a pain killer idea. I will test it out. Thanks!
Devon Malloy
Sitting at the intersection of infosec and sales.... sounds like something @mara_willemin would enjoy. Great idea, thanks for sharing!
Massimo Chieruzzi
@devon_malloy Thanks Devon! @mara_willemin hope you like it, let me know if you have any question!
Mara Willemin
@devon_malloy @massimocw ohhhh you are right, I do love this! I'll have to download it - thanks friends!
Massimo Chieruzzi
@devon_malloy @mara_willemin Awesome! Let me know if it fits your needs!
Vít Kalisz
This is very interesting!
Vít Kalisz
@massimocw your welcome :-) If you have any questions or feedback about OrgPad, feel free to reach out.
Jesus Perez
Great! this is very useful and will save me a lot of time in video post production when recording product videos
Massimo Chieruzzi
@chusmy00 Thanks!! 🙌🏻
Craig Paterson
This is a really handy extension. Thank you for creating!
Massimo Chieruzzi
@craigcpaterson Thanks! Glad you liked it!
Sergey Kuznetsov
That's a cool tool! Very often I take screenshots for my clients. I don't want to expose some of my sensitive info, so I have to crop it every time. With this tool finally I can take full size screenshots without worrying about cropping and everything else to protect my data. Thank you and congratulations with release on ProductHunt!
Ghost Kitty
Comment Deleted
Massimo Chieruzzi
@mouna_selmi Thanks ❤️
Raffaele Gaito
Finally! I've been waiting for something like that for months, maybe years! Great job Massimo!
Massimo Chieruzzi
@duplikey Grazie Raffaele :) Let me know if you find any bug or if you have fancy features ideas!
Dawn Veltri
This is great. We run into use cases for this all the time! We will definitely give this a try.
Massimo Chieruzzi
@dawn_veltri1 Thanks Dawn 🙌🏻
Anna Mandziuk 🇺🇦
Congrats on the launch! The product will definitely come in handy
Anas Affan
This is great for presentation. Protecting information is very important nowadays.
Amirali Nurmagomedov
Cool idea, good luck 👍 I always approach such extensions with skepticism. How secure is it to use your extension? I also see you collect some personal information. Is there any specific reason?
Massimo Chieruzzi
@amirali_nurmagomedov great point... extensions can be tricky! Actually I need to double check that part, it's wrong, the extension doesn't collect any data and stores everything locally on your browser. I get 0 data back from the extension and there's no signup needed to use it :)
Stefano B
Great idea!
Massimo Chieruzzi
@stefano_b Thanks Stefano!
Farokh Shahabi
Vey useful! Congrats.
Steven Smith
Thats cool
Sanjay Sahoo
Looks interesting. What data formats can this work on? if a page has some pdf content, can it blur over the pdf as well?
Massimo Chieruzzi
@sanjaysahoo Yes and no. As a DOM element you could blur all the pdf but not a specific element within the PDF. However it also supports blurring a specific part of the page with drag and drop so you could blur areas of the PDF with that feature (Actually I've never tried but it should work :) )
Wiktoria Jaszcza
Cool idea, congrats :)
Aymeric Sans
Congrats @massimocw for this jewel. It is very easy to use, I love the panel idea and it has keyboard shortcuts.
Massimo Chieruzzi
@aymeric_sans2 Oooh thanks! So glad to hear that!