Cristian Moisei

Zones - An app to organize your life into different tasks

Over the past 6 months I've been spending my spare time working on what will likely be my last app for a while.
It's called Zones and it's designed to organise all the important parts of your life into separate zones with their tasks, subtasks and ideas.

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Cristian Moisei
Hello Product Hunters, over the past 6 months I've been spending my spare time working on what will likely be my last app for a while. It's called Zones and it's designed to organise all the important parts of your life into separate zones with their tasks, subtasks and ideas. Check out the app store promo video: *Zones is 50% off until the end of the month.* Here are some of the highlights: # Natural language processing # Save to dos, subtasks and ideas # Focus timer # Widgets # iCloud sync across all your devices # Scorecard # Highly customizable # Dark mode It's available on iOS, iPadOS and macOS. I would love to know what you think.
Cristian Moisei
@worklab Thanks Deepak, I'd love to know what you think if you try it. What are you using to stay on top of tasks now? Do you think this is something you could integrate in your workflow?
Ken Moo
@cristianmoisei Looks sleek. Man this app deserves to be the top. Upvoted! Is there an ETA for andriod and web app?
Cristian Moisei
@ken_moo Hey Ken, I'm glad you like it. Is this something you'd see yourself using? The Android and Web versions depend on how the app does. I'm doing this myself and I can only code in Swift, so the app would need to do well enough to afford working with a web/Android developer.
Ken Moo
@cristianmoisei Absolutely. Everything needed for productivity is right in the app. But what would deter me from using it is a lack of integration. I would want to integrate it with my everyday apps. For example Google Calendar. And hopefully Zapier to hook up my project management tool as well. If on the web app, it also comes with a bookmark manager that'll be amazing. I've no mac to try this out but looking forward to check it out on Andriod/ webapp. All the best!
Cristian Moisei
@ken_moo Sounds good. I'm keeping track of the roadmap via so I'll add these ideas there and consider them for the future. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
Cosmin Cristian Ababei
Any plans for Android support?
Cristian Moisei
@cosmin_cristian_ababei Hey Cosmin, the app is currently available on iOS, iPadOS and macOS. There are no plans for an Android version at the moment but this could change in the future.
Michael Dois
Where is the usp? There are so many todo lists out there. Cool Hobby project (and hopefully you learnt a lot) but nothing I would rely on and use...
Cristian Moisei
@michidois Hey Michael, the USPs are: - no subscriptions, you just pay once and get the app - things are organised in Zones, so this is a mental model that people I tested with found more helpful - several features that make this fast and easy to use, such as natural language input, keyboard shortcuts and gestures, scoring and sorting tasks by difficulty, quickly saving ideas, the focus timer, etc. I know the productivity space is very competitive and I'm not looking to dethrone the big guys with this, just to provide a nice app that some people will find helpful and can use without needing to subscribe to it).
I’ve been beta testing this app for a while. It’s a solid app for those who want to organise stuff.
Cristian Moisei
@krjsn Hey Krishna, good too see you here, and thanks a lot for all your help and feedback during the beta period.
Alex Doda
Love it! Just like the older yellow goals app you launched a while ago. How does iCloud sync work? I got both the macOS and the iOS apps but it doesn't look like things are syncing real time. Thanks!
Alex Doda
Looks like there’s a zones.json and a zones 2.json file in iCloud Drive. Is the app supposed to run a merge between the two or is there only supposed to be one? Because I can only see the macOS tasks as if they were local, and the iOS tasks separate as well.
Cristian Moisei
@abrupted Hey Alex, syncing is automatic but it can take a while of the OS decides there are more important things to sync or the battery is low on iOS. You can pull down to refresh or even check the status of the files in the Files app / iCloud Drive folders. Unfortunately there is no way for an app to tell the OS when to upload something. Pulling to refresh does trigger a download though. I hope this helps and I hope Zones will be helpful for you.
Alex Doda
@cristianmoisei Tried that but it looks like it's storing data in two separate places entirely. Is there any way to check if it's actually connected to iCloud Drive properly? Also, a few other bugs I noticed, besides iCloud sync not working: - When adding a new task on macOS and pressing Enter, it will get added to the Personal zone regardless of the zone you're on. - Unable to see completed tasks. - The app doesn't break down tasks by day (like in your screenshot where it shows Today, Tomorrow, etc.) and doesn't sort them by date. - Widgets often show "Edit this widget to select a zone" even if you already configured them. - The macOS icon won't change when picked via settings. - Swipe left/right gestures don't always trigger on macOS. It would be nice to change Zones via Left/Right keyboard keys as well.
Cristian Moisei
@abrupted Hm, let's look into this. Please reach out to The first thing I can think to check is if you are signed in with the same iCloud account on both devices and have iCloud Drive enabled. It would help if you shared a screenshot of what the Files app / iCloud Drive folders look like. Thank you for flagging the other points: - I will investigate the tasks being added to the wrong zone on macOS issue. - Completed tasks are accessible from Settings > Edit Zones > Completed Tasks. Is there a place that you think would have been more intuitive? - Grouping tasks by date is also something you enable from Settings > Edit Zones. This can be configured on a per zone basis, so some zones can have a timeline and tighter management, while others are just a simple list of things to do. - Unfortunately it's not possible to change icons on macOS. It looks like this option made it to Settings so that's my mistake. If you'd like to change the icon manually I'd be happy to share the .icns file if you have one you like, but it has to be manual on macOS, Apple didn't make this feature available yet. - Arrow keys to switch between zones are a great idea and I'll include this in the next release.
Cristian Moisei
@abrupted Apologies, I didn't see your other comment about zones 2.json That means iCloud got confused because two devices tried to write to that at the same time and the app was just installed so it had other data to sync. If you delete the one you don't need this should clear out the conflict and things will go smoothly from there.
Hanna S
dude, I wanted to download your app on my iPhone but App Store says it's incompatible with iPhones, and the list of compatible devices says "requires macOS 11.00 and newer" and when I open it on my MacBook it says "Designed for iPad", macOS 11 and higher etc, and iOS 14.1 and higher. how is that possible? (my iPhone has version 14.6 installed)
Cristian Moisei
@kate_austen hey Hanna, are you looking at the iOS version? The link for that is here Does this work? If not does searching for the full name 'Zones - Organize your life' straight from the app store work? I'd love to know what you think when you try it.
Evelina Radoycheva
Looks great! Congrats! And I'm sure many Android users would appreciate it too if you decide to go that direction.
Cristian Moisei
@eve_rad Thank you.
Hans Marcon
That looks incredibly hip. Well done.
Cristian Moisei
@hans_marcon Thank you Hans, I'm happy to hear that.
Tanner Mullen
Bro, this app is outstanding. Exactly what i was looking for. Already shared it with 3 friends. Best of luck to you and this idea!
Cristian Moisei
@tannermullen This is music to my ears man, let me know how it goes, this went through a beta period but I'm definitely open to feedback and would like to make it as useful as possible.
Tanner Mullen
@cristianmoisei I own multiple businesses. I’ve created a “zone” for each one and I felt lighter inside. Haha. I’m out and about now but eager to use it on macOS. Is this accessible on the App Store there?
Cristian Moisei
@tannermullen Hello, yes the mac version is available on the mac app store. Let me know if you need help with anything.
Cristian Moisei
Hey @tannermullen I wanted to drop a quick note to let you know that because there were some issues with syncing and saving data in Zones, I had to completely re-write the way iCloud sync works and reupload the app. This new version comes with virtually instant sync and I made it free so everyone can port over I am also offering refunds to anyone who purchased the previous version, so please either request it from Apple or let me know and I'll send it directly via PayPal. The current version you have will keep working but it won't receive any more updates since I had to pull it from the app store. The next update on this new version will be repeating tasks in a few days. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
Dante Colombatti
Love this. Cool design
Cristian Moisei
@dante_colombatti Thanks Dante, I'm happy to hear that.
Malik Abimanyu
Love it! Really! I really like the look, it looks neat, clean and focused!
Cristian Moisei
@malik_abimanyu1 Happy to hear this Malik.
Lauren Proctor
Downloaded Zones yesterday and absolutely love this app. Pretty sure I will never go back to Things. Thanks for making this @cristianmoisei. This is a productivity game changer.
Cristian Moisei
@laurenproctor32 This is music to my ears. Please consider leaving a review if you are enjoying it - it would help a lot. And if there's anything I can help with, don't hesitate to reach out. The Help button in the app goes straight to my email.
Mariya Valchanova
Looks very cool and I love that there's a focus timer. Great design too!
Emilio Meza
Looks really solid. Love the branding and UI. Will make sure to give it a try and add it to our Learn Stash Productivity Collection. Congrats!
Cristian Moisei
@emilioameza I'm very glad to hear this.
Matt Johns
Looks good and i downloaded and paid but no account sign in? What if I delete the app or change something? Will it always be associated with my apple user account? How will my data never be lost? ?makers
Cristian Moisei
@sconnybonbon Hey Matt, I know I already replied via email but I want to add this here also: Data is stored automatically in iCloud so it's always safe and available on all devices.
Tanner Mullen
How long does it take for Mac and iPhone to Sync usually?
Cristian Moisei
@tannermullen Hey Tanner, the mac will download changes instantly. It's a matter of when iOS uploads them, and that is decided by the OS. You can check the status in the Files app in Zone's folder and things like low power mode or a back up in progress can impact it. In order to check for updates and download you can pull to refresh. Let me know if this helps.
Tanner Mullen
Still having an issue synching from mac - iphone. It's been about 3 hours. Initially, it did sync to the mac from the phone. Any tips? @cristianmoisei
Cristian Moisei
@tannermullen please send me an email from the app (I can't paste my email address here it seems) and I'll do my best to help.
love this app. just bought both ios, mac app. a few suggestions though, - shortcut for small popup window to add task - recurring task with 'every' keyword Keep us posted! 🙏
Cristian Moisei
@wangki Hey Lee, thanks for the suggestions. When you say a shortcut do you mean a force touch or a widget? The medium and large sized widgets do have a quick add + button.
@cristianmoisei oh, I meant for the mac app, i spent most of the time on my mac, and I usually have to quickly add task and get back to previous work. (cmd+ctrl+/ to show up a small window that can type in, enter or esc to dismiss.) btw, icloud sync isn't work very well for me. Probably need to work on servers that store and sync tasks.
Cristian Moisei
@wangki Oh I see what you mean. The widgets are available on the mac also and that is one way of quickly creating tasks, but yes there's no companion app running in the background at the moment. I'll keep this in mind for the future.
Cristian Moisei
@wangki Can you tell me more about what issues you encountered with iCloud. If you press Help in the app you can reach out to me directly via email and I'll do my best to help sort things.
Phil Hallam
Great work Cristian and I love the design. It's missing a few features for me to use it for my workflow though and I hope you consider adding them in the future as I would really like to use Zones going forward. 1) I can't see an option to set a task to be a repeat task. ie something I may have to do on a daily, weekly, monthly basis. Have I missed that option anywhere and if not, could it be added? 2) I have a default "new project" list that lists all the stages of one of my projects and when I start a new project, I just duplicate that list. I can see the option to duplicate a task but not a zone. Is that an option and if not, could it be added? I have considered having a go at creating my own todo app as I have yet to find the perfect todo app for my needs. I have never created one before and fancy giving it a try to prove to myself I can create a useful app so you have inspired me to have a go in the near future. 🙂
Cristian Moisei
@phil_hallam Hey Phil, thanks for the feedback. I do want to add repeating tasks in the near future and no you didn't miss it, this is not available for v1. It's not as straightforward as it seems so I saved this feature for later, but I definitely understand how helpful it can be and plan to add it. In terms of duplicating a zone, I think that's a good idea and will look at adding this soon. There is a section in the app (in Settings) for voting on what features come next and I added both of these ideas there. It's also what I use to keep track of what has already been built and what the most demanded features are. Thanks again for the feedback.
Matt Johns
Looks good and i downloaded and paid but no account sign in? What if I delete the app or change something? Will it always be associated with my apple user account? How will my data never be lost?