Kevin William David

Zungle V2 Viper - Smart sunglasses that talk and play music 🕶️

ZUNGLE V2 VIPER let users enjoy music as well as make hand-free phone calls. They have the new Vibra speakers with stronger dual-spring bone conduction speakers on each leg. The new sound system has developed through a partnership with a speaker manufacturer for major tech companies like Samsung and Sony.

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Anna Filou
OK, looks like a cool product, something I'd use. Reminds me of VUE. I think the video is trying to be unnecessarily sexy though. It's smartglasses; I don't think there's a need for multiple shots of a girl slowly applying sunscreen all over her body + butt shots :)
@anna_0x, Indeed, had the same feeling :) don't wanna be overly critical but it would be much better if the video concentrated more on the features of the glasses.
Anna Filou
@kura955 yes, exactly. It's tech; there are features to talk about and highlight. It's not like they are advertising something like a soft drink where you have to resort to such "tricks" since there are tons of similar things out there and your product is more or less the same.
Sean Bang
@anna_0x Hi thank you for your feedback. We try to differentiate us from other tech company, but it turned out as it is. I understand your healthy feedback and thank you for your thoughts.
Anna Filou
@seanbang Understandable. I don't think it ruins your image but it certainly could have people thinking "how good can these smartglasses be if the makers need to show buttshots instead of features to catch people's attention?" 😉
Sean Bang
@anna_0x I understand. Thanks for the healthy feedback :)
Jonas Almut
Anyone else back the kickstarter project? Any feedback ?
Simon Joliveau
@jonasalmut I backed it. It wasn't good. The bone conduction technology is simply not advanced enough (yet) for this product to work. The sound quality is abysmal, worse than the lowest budget earphones you can think of. But the worst part is the sound leakage : everybody around you hears whatever you are listening (and sometimes better than you). At this point strapping your phone in loudspeaker mode to your ear would result in much better sound and approximately the same nuisance for your neighbours. The product itself is OK, relatively confortable if a bit dorky, it kind of works, it is the core tech that is flawed. I am doubtful this new version will improve on that, provided they do not have revolutionized bone conduction tech.
Simon Joliveau
@jonasalmut I might add that they were a bit dishonest in the campaign, pretending in their videos and communications that sound leakage was very low, and then adding after the fact, once the negative feedback poured in, something like "a moderate level of sound leakage is to be expected given the characteristics of the bone conduction technology".
Sean Bang
@jonasalmut That was the 1st version from 2016. This is our brand new version 2 and there has been a lot of developments.
Sean Bang
@jonasalmut 1. A.I. Button 2. Bluetooth 5.0 3. Sound Quality 4. Slim Design 5. Water Resistance Level 6. Fit. You can check from :)
Andreas Stegmann
Combining bone conduction and sunglasses actually makes sense. (I'm still long on #Wearables.)
Sean Bang
@ysamjo Thank you for the feedback!
Jeff Brokaw
Looks interesting! I will be keeping an eye on your company and will probably order a pair soon.
Sean Bang
@jeffbrokaw Thank you very much!
Jonas Almut
Urghh thank you for the feedback simon. Really pees me off when kickstarter campaigns are so liberal with the truth. Yes dorky is a word that i would associate with these shades. Im glad you have given me such insightful feedback. How much did these set you back financially? Are they gathering dust now?
Sean Bang
@jonasalmut Hi, hope you can search the V2 Viper review via YouTube. Thanks!
Simon Joliveau
@jonasalmut They are indeed gathering dust, but this is my own personal feedback, some other backers probably found the product useful in spite of the shortcomings I mentioned. Once you know what to expect in terms of sound quality / leakage, the product has its qualities (and "works", as I said). And it is entirely possible that the v2 improves on those points (I have my doubts, but it is worth waiting for real reviews)