Depths is a social bookmarking platform for tech people to save, organise and discover inspiring articles and resources. Our community-driven platform includes a daily feed of fresh content from domain experts and tech enthusiasts, and a simple browser extension with powerful search and filtering options.
Join our community of learners today!
I read, save and store lots of articles most of times.
So keeping my bookmarks organized is quite hard.
With too many links to go through and just no time to do it.
I'm happy about Depths's revolutionary features, their refined app UX, and more social features they better the experience.
As CAE engineer and self-taught coder, I've tried multitudes of different bookmarking systems.
I now use Depths to do the heavy lifting.
I've always wondered, how can I sort the wheat from the chaff with enormous scattered information in the net?
Depths has the potential to solve this pain points.
Like Metcalfe's Law, v = n^2. The more professionals from diversified profession come onboard, the closer we're in reaching this goal to let education be open-sourced.
Definitely a MUST-HAVE app in your daily driver!
Kudos Depths Team on the PH launch!