Launched on August 15th, 2018
Envision is an intelligent tool that empowers people with visual impairment to live more independently. With Envision, visually impaired users can shop in supermarkets, use public transport, read menu cards in restaurants, recognise their friends, find their belongings and so much more, all on their own.
I just downloaded this to mess around with it for a bit (I am not visually impaired).
I'm impressed with how well it reads text! I took a photo of this product hunt page (maker's comment) and it read it out PERFECTLY, wow, well done. There is no option to turn the flash off though. The screen is self illuminating -obviously- so need to be so obvious and blind everyone around me.
Describing scenes is not very accurate. I took a photo of my pebble smartwatch twice and it did not tell me the time, instead described my laptop in the backgorund. The pebble has a reflective screen and is wearing a typical analog watchface with numbers on it so it should be easy to read in my opinion.
I took a pic of my coffee cup and it described it accurately.
Next a photo of my leather waller but it decribed it as "a stack of flyers on top of a table" 😆
There are buttons for describing colors, scanning barcodes and "teaching" the app (telling it to recongnize an item as X) but when pressed the app informs you that these features are "coming soon".