Infocus is a simple Chrome extension that blocks distracting websites when you are trying to focus. It has a few neat features, such as periodic notifications to get you back on track and math problems to discourage you from disabling it :)
I tried Infocus for one day and it was pretty good. I put FB and Messenger as the distracting websites. When the product is on, it closes FB immediately when I tried to open FB. Two things I think can make this product better are:
1) Remind me why I use this product when I am trying to turn it off
Currently I only need to answer 5 calculation questions to turn Infocus off. I get the idea that users might give up turning if off, but the questions are not difficult. I think a better way is to show "why you are use this product" with the question. This would remind me that I am trying to focus on working.
2) The "OFF" button on the window is a bit confusing
When I first tried to use Infocus, I selected the time and then could not find where to "Start" the clock. Later on I realized I should click on "OFF" button. I think change "OFF" to "START" will be more intuitive.