Every application requires managing permissions, and complexity is constantly on the rise. Permit.io provides permissions as a service (ReBAC, Policy as Code, APIs, and customer facing UI), so developers can check this as done and focus on their core product.
Oh man, we've spent so much time building our permission system! If only I saw you guys earlier! Good luck with your launch and your product. Definitely market exists and you can help a lot of developers!
I use to work for a company, who had a similar Saas service. I use to deal with RBP permissions (Role Based Permissions). You have no idea how much demand this has. Especially big companies. You are in the right track. Way to go. Congrats on the launch. This looks great!!!!
Congrats on the launch guys!
On a side note - I really liked the video haha. It's super cool that you put a techy twist on a mainstream blockbuster movie! 😃 Kudos to the marketing team
I am so proud of my team for our journey up to today. We've built something truly special together - a simple solution to a big, complex problem. It's clear to see just how dedicated we all are to helping the developer community. Team - kudos to every single one of you!