Investors are overloaded with often conflicting and inaccurate information regarding companies they own shares of. SharesInside offers a way to have the facts delivered to your phone directly from the companies. No middle men, no costs, no advertising. Just companies talking to investors.
A truly trustworthy environment for research!
Great app, easy to use and from my understanding this is a place where there can be no opinions from analysts or investors. Just the company sharing their information, history and future strategy. Simple but effective way to understand a companies outlook!
Love it, simple easy and saves me so much time, before I spent ages visiting multiple websites each day - all different layouts, now I have the same info in a single place for almost all my portfolio. still a couple missing!
I've been using this app for a month now and I get News on the companies I'm invested in and interested in an instant. Every profile is the same so it's easy to find what I'm looking for on every company. Highly recommend on using if your a shareholder or thinking about investing. Anyone can use this tool.
Love it, I'm addicted to finding new companies in foreign countries that people haven't thought of YET.