Launched on December 6th, 2019
Launched on June 6th, 2018
Infographics of famous people in history, including: Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Leonardo, and Mark Zuckerberg. Find out how they got started, and create your own with the Adioma infographic maker tool, that creates infographics with icons, grids and timelines.
Adioma creates information graphics out of your textual data, using timelines, grids and icons. Made by designers, it takes your information and automatically follows the rules of information design to present it clearly, and beautifully.
I love these kinds of products, it's not always easy to find the perfect Icon for any given project but Adioma surely makes it easier, thanks!
Adioma provides useful and intuitive icons. We can leverage them to influence our audience better. Visuals say a lot more than text.