ADYOUNEED helps you create and optimize ads in minutes so you can focus on what really matters - your business. Create ads on Facebook, Instagram and Google, keep in mind that we aim to add one new platform every month! (Tiktok, Linkedin...)
Adyouneed has had a difficult past, leaving a lot of customers unhappy. Fortunately, they managed to finally put some features that work and are at the time of this review currently in beta. I hope the can keep a lot of happy customers, and I'm looking forward to using this tool to help my local business run ads online.
The company just sent an email offering a v2.0 "preview" if you bring customers in via referral. What a shame! They took down v1.0 just like that (and never fixed certain problems we had with Google Ads).
It's a money grab scam. CEO needs to learn how to handle a company and deliver the results. Instead of developing AdYouNeed, he created other products and took AYN down. He said a new V2 will be launched. The launch kept getting delayed again and again. CEO always sends emails making claims or promises and never delivers. His last email on 15/9/22 said that a big update is coming in 3-4 days. It's been 20 days and no update. Nobody takes the CEO seriously in the SaaS community because whatever he says is basically a joke.
It´s absolutely disgusting what this company founder/s have done.
Ripping people off the way you have done it, all the while launching new services and applying the same strategy to build customer base on your "new dream", leaving all of us holding the bag with Adyouneed.
You have taken our money this time... but your name and reputation online will forever be attached to your actions now.
If you´re given incentives to promote and positively review any of the products this CEO puts in front of you, say NO. Run as fast as you can from it, save your money, and invest it safely with trustworthy providers.
ADCREATIVE.AI is also reviewed on ProductHunt – this is an another app from Tufan’s Team.
And there is a big chance all those who purchase will lose their money like we did.
You have stopped the app that we have paid for and we were not able to use it.
You have promised 2.0 will be live since 1.06 and it is not.
You have now gone to develop a different app and promote and spend time on it.
You are untrustworthy and this should be visible for all.
I will not change the review as you should have delivered on your promises and you have told PAYING USERS that they can join the Test Team:
"This is Tufan, CEO here at ADYOUNEED.
Today, we have started to set up ADYOUNEED v2 on our servers!
Soon it will be live and we will start testing every little feature, which is why we would like to invite some of you to be BETA users for the next 2 weeks to help us test everything and catch some bugs."
This is sent on a day it was supposed to be live, and even though I have sign into it - I have received no message.
From my perspective it looks like you are playing for time, to get money from other projects.
People - you have been warned.