I've had early access to ButterDocs for a few weeks and I'm really impressed. I didn't actually realize how bad Google Docs was for writing (like deep, focused writing) and team collaborating until I used a tool purpose built for these things. I'm enjoying it so far and really excited to see this product continue to develop.
I've been using it for a while in pre-release and it has really helped streamline my writing and research processes.
The ability to have all your notes right beside the text you're working on is fantastic. Keeping everything on one page helps me to focus and not get distracted by opening other tabs or documents.
It's very smooth and responsive and the ButterDocs team are issuing updates regularly.
Really looking forward to seeing what additional functionality they introduce. Highly recommended!
ButterDocs for me is getting more written with fewer distractions. I genuinely love their minimalist approach - the dark theme along with their editor is definitely a big changer.
Having it as a Desktop app is literally a cherry on the cake. 🍰
I was beta-testing this. As a journalist, having my research side-by-side with the document was a game-changer. I could also get notes from clients and co-authors without them messing up my doc. Really impressed with the product, but still hard to convinnce colleagues and co workers to try it, hope soon more will be on board. hope that changes, excited to see where it goes.
I've been using ButterDocs since November 2023 while in development, and I can't imagine my content writing life without it now! It totally re-configured my drafting process with a much-needed emphasis on pre-draft research. Using the Blocks and Notes features to house the doc outline and research notes has significantly increased my productivity and seriously helps me get into "flow state" when I'm drafting. No need for context switching, getting distracted, or having an editor make edits on my original draft forcing me to wade through a series of strikethroughs and comments like I used to on Google Docs. What else can I say? I love it, and I'm super excited to see how the product develops over time.
This writing app offers the most delightful writing experience I have ever had. Great features that supports the most crucial aspect for me – crafting a compelling story.