Launched on October 15th, 2018
In business, your words matter. A lot.
Cognifyd checks for hundreds of communication best practices, tone guidelines, and other nuances that impact the way you look to your customers. We use proprietary heuristic rules and artificial intelligence to make your communication more effective.
Cognifyd analyzes words, structure, and tone to give constructive feedback on written business communication. (This isn’t spellcheck.)
Our most popular options are: marketing and sales copy for email and web channels.
Hundreds signed up to use our original demo. We're back with version 1. It's smarter and has an improved user experience.
Cognifyd is an online editor that analyzes words, phrases, structure, and tone to give constructive feedback on written business communication. (This isn’t spellcheck.)
Cognifyd for Chrome supports in-browser text box editing in:
Gmail, Twitter, LinkedIn, Zendesk, and nearly everywhere else you write on the web.
I write a lot of reports and memo's in a local government environment. I run out of ideas and sometimes get a little lazy... this app is AMAZING for getting you back on track, you can really tweak your wording down to the bare minimum and sound like you were born to write!
Knowing the background of the founder, for sure it's going to be a great project and a great solution. I am not native, so my English is not good enough, and for sure Cognifyd helps me a lot