We use the Design Sprint process, and we ended up using a lot of Post-it notes and stickers. We thought to ourselves, how could we improve this and also allow remote team members to participate, so we created this simple tool to crowdsource ideas and make better decisions quickly with teams
Based on AJ&Smart's LDJ (Lightning Decision Jam) and the Sprint Book from GV, we wanted to make a simpler and faster solution by digitizing the process without using pens & post-its. Works extremely well on deciding and moving forward on anything as a team. (Also works great on deciding where to eat too 😹)
We've used this for quickly collecting the agenda for the team meetings. Much more effective than just asking out loud.
We've also used this for deciding where to eat out. The decision is made much much much faster. ;D
Voting should be this quick and easy. No more complicated settings. :D