Try Freelance is the online freelancer community and digital co-working space that helps you meet other freelancers, learn from each other and build relationships with each other. With market analysis for freelancers, you'll always be ahead of the curve in determining which skills are in demand.
What I enjoy most of all is being part of the Doughnut Discord Community. Lot's of valuable information in there to apply to almost all my work, which is why I hand out the 5-star rating.
Within a week I found my first freelance job through Doughnut. The Discord community is a place that behaves as if Upwork or Fiver were a real community with actual people showing up to share, help and refer each other. I'm now a daily active user.
A great community to share knowledge and receive feedback no matter the path you are taking with your freelancing endeavors, or which industry you end up working in. From remote work to local work, you can always find something you can use in the community. Very positive community and very helpful overall.