What do you think about Everycards – flashcard and quiz maker?
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What do people think of Everycards – flashcard and quiz maker?
The community submitted 4 reviews to tell
us what they like about Everycards – flashcard and quiz maker, what Everycards – flashcard and quiz maker can do better, and
Everycards has been a game changer for my studies. Its user-friendly interface has made it incredibly easy to use and helped me retain information more efficiently.
Thanks for your feedback Bogdan.
Yes, there is a missing spaced repetition feature.
It was my intentional decision because I wanted to focus on building sustainable architecture before moving further. Many apps on the market have spaced repetition feature, for example Anki. But the problem is that it is tricky to use for the majority of people.
We are working to make the spaced repetition usable. Don’t switch and follow the ads :-)
What other features are you missing? Please let me know.
We have added a table on the Everycards website that compares it with the competitors. There you can choose which app suits you better at the moment.
Everycards – flashcard and quiz maker