What do you think about Grindery Web3 Gateway for Zapier?
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What do people think of Grindery Web3 Gateway for Zapier?
The community submitted 46 reviews to tell
us what they like about Grindery Web3 Gateway for Zapier, what Grindery Web3 Gateway for Zapier can do better, and
As a Low-code/no-code builder I never really understood what it took to interact with the blockchain, but now having Grindery I'm able to trigger my normal workflows (like marking invoices paid) when activities happen on the blockchain
it's a new experience and it's amazing to be one of the people who try your product in this phase of testnet. I hope this project can grow and achieve its goals on the day mainnet arrives.
Thanks for creating this super excited project. I am very happy to join with you.
And i completed all the requirements of your project to join here.
We will be moon soon