
Gamify your fitness—grow a workout avatar
4 reviews

What is HeroFit?

Exercising consistently is hard... So I built HeroFit to make workouts fun! Pick your workout avatar and track your progress to get XP and level up! 😑 Missed your goal? Your avatar loses XP and shrinks... 🤩 Crushed your goal? Rank higher in your league!

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4.5/5 based on 4 reviews
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Janine N
9 reviews
Totally does the job. If you want a fun, straight forward way to achieve a goal or get into a new habit. Hero Fit works and doesn't distract with unnecessary features.
Théophas Bienvenu
2 reviews
Will help you to have a good habits
Federico Pintaluba
1 review
Way to go Marc! 🔥 Congrats on this launch, it was super fun to see you live building this, a completely new and super nutritive experience for all of us.
5 reviews
It should record workout time and number of reps. Like if you do 10 reps, you can input 10 reps into the app and those 10 reps will be added to your xp level. Then you can level up based on reps. Like every 20 reps you gain a level. I don't like the "xp". The level should be measured by reps or by minutes worked out. There should be 2 leaderboards. One leaderboard by reps. One leaderboard by minutes exercised.