I don't know if I'll ever use Hopper again. I had a flight from Seattle to Miami with a stopover in Denver leaving today @7:30pm. I never got any information from Hopper or from the airlines that I was using (Frontier and United). I got no information ever. I had some last minute what seemed like promotional emails from Frontier, telling me about my flight from Denver to Miami. That email said it was as much as 70 minutes going through TSA and that I should take that into consideration. However, my flight was to arrive from Seattle to Denver at 11:11pm. I was then to board the Frontier flight to Miami leaving at 00:12. There was a very high chance of missing that flight. I have to blame Hopper for that lack of oversight; it was too close for comfort. I wasn't about to go from Seattle to Denver with a high chance of missing my connecting flight and have to spend money on a hotel in Denver and it wasn't something I could afford to do; I wasn't taking a chance on being "maybe" reimbursed, so I chose not to fly at all. I tried to notify Hopper, but the Hopper App gave me the runaround. I'm somewhat tech savvy and even I was not able to inform Hopper of the confusion. So, out of consideration for the United Airlines flight to Denver, I let United airlines know that I was not going to fly at all. (By doing so, they can give my seat to another passenger who may need it). I am a Veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces and I have always been aware of the importance of being considerate with others. (For example, at the VA if I have an appointment with my doctor and can't make it, I let them know as soon as possible, so that another veteran can have my appointment). The VA will not say anything (in my particular circumstances) if I miss an appointment; I won't be charged. But I have to be considerate of a battle brother. I am not angry. I can afford to buy a new flight. I would like to get it nonstop, but from Seattle to Miami almost always has a stop along the way. My sister was the the one that recommended Hopper. (Unfortunately I had a little falling out with my sister because she recommended Hopper 😐). I don't need to go into details. I am sorry for the bad review but Hopper needs to know so they can help solve the confusion.
Thank you.
Andrew G Jaramillo
Veteran/ U.S. Air Force