To me InspireIP is used for the idea management. We all have ideas but we resist ourselves to share our ideas due to personal to private reasons. One doesn't want to disclose a bad idea with a fear of evaluated by others. So Inspire is like a feather in a hat, for those kind of people. Its ease of interface needs no demo session at all. To me its a ready to use tool. For introvert person its like a room to talk with themselves. The idea of sharing the idea is great initiative! more than the tool, I just loved the idea behind the tool.
InspireIP is a cool idea management software that I found quite user-friendly. Simple to track the status of your ideas - whether management reviewed them or not, if yes - their comments, etc. Net-net, cool stuff.
Best part - It is not limited to technical ideas (i.e. for filing patents only). It is equally useful and impactful for non-technical ideas. As an example, we got certain new things in our office workspace by sharing our ideas on InspireIP.