Itty bitty

Itty bitty

A tool to create websites contained within their own link
11 reviews

What is Itty bitty?

Itty bitty sites are contained entirely within their own link. This means they're... 💼Portable - you don't need a server to host them 👁Private - nothing is sent to–or stored on–this server 🎁Easy to share as a link or QR code Ideas: ✒️Compose poetry 🛠Create an app 🐦Bypass a 140 280 char limit 🎨Express yourself in ascii

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5/5 based on 11 reviews
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Seve Kim
1 review
Incredibly easy to share a website
Valerio Neri
9 reviews

Just tried it out and it’s simple as great!

Martin Giura
18 reviews

It would be good to publish some use cases so we can get more creative.

Douglas Evaristo
10 reviews
Sebastián Alvarez
9 reviews

Cool idea and even share the repository, a lot of ideas come to my mind with the repository.

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