Do you use Kombai (Research Preview)?
What is Kombai (Research Preview)?
New ensemble model purpose-built to understand and code UI like human devs. Prompt it with designs. Get high-quality UI code in seconds. No manual tags or auto-layout are needed. Logical DOM structure & React components. CSS with no hardcoded dimensions. Clean JS.
Kombai is currently free to use for individual users
Recent launches
Kombai for Email
Convert any Figma design to email-optimized HTML. No need to use predefined components, specific names, or auto-layout. Works on all major email clients and ESPs. Email-coding best practices built in for high deliverability, low spam risk, and responsiveness.
New ensemble model purpose-built to understand and code UI like human devs. Prompt it with designs. Get high-quality UI code in seconds. No manual tags or auto-layout needed. Logical DOM structure & React components. CSS with no hardcoded dimensions. Clean JS.