Hi Vladyslav, congratulations on the launch. In my experience working in HR Tech SaaS for 10+ years this is a smart move that comes at the right time, as the current economic climate leads to a partial shift from a market driven by demand for skilled labour to one where the are less jobs and more people looking for new challenges. For you offering a solution for the jobseeker, that is a favorable dynamic.
2 thoughts that I want to mention and that (imo) should be on top of your mind now: How do you secure retention once the person has found a job? I see that you are offering a quarterly plan (a rare thing) so you have definitely considered this already, just curious to find out more. And secondly, I am sure you are aware that the big players (i.e. LinkedIn) are offering solutions targeted to the people looking for jobs, so: What will be your strategy in terms of added value to compete with them in the medium term?