

Simplify the job application process with MaxOfJob
4 reviews

What is MaxOfJob?

Manage your job applications in one place: store basic application info, fully customize and track interview steps, add questions and notes to each interview round, store important contacts, monitor overall statistics, and more.

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5/5 based on 4 reviews
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Bogdan Yemets
1 review
Great tool, simplified my job application process a lot 👏🏻
Igor Sinchuk
1 review
This tool helped me organize my applications in a matter of minutes. I can finally move away from the Excel sheet and have a decent way of monitoring the progress of my applications/interviews. For those who like to stay organized - this is a tool to use!
Dmytro Bezruchko
2 reviews
Great idea! I will recommend it to my candidates. I think it will be helpful :)
Artem Yasinkiy
1 review
Great product, saves a lot of time and is very convenient.