Does not recommend this product
I have managed large teams of data scientists for large international companies, and at first glance, this product might be helpful for my teams. However, once I try to understand the added value precisely, I get lost in a sea of buzzwords and lofty terms; compare that with something such as Amazon Sagemaker. Its website tells me exactly what I am getting and the limitations and how the product looks. I navigated through the Neuton website, and I could not see a single actual screenshot of the product (no mockups). Similarly, the about page feels misleading, mentioning more than 2500 employees and 17 years in the business. LinkedIn tells me that only 18 individuals are affiliated with the company, and it was founded in 2018. You want to look solid towards established organizations, but this only confuses and reduces credibility. I am disappointed that we as a Machine Learning community have to resort to this overinflation to sell our products.