Origin By GPTZero

Origin By GPTZero

Detect AI-generated text wherever you go.
•5 reviews•

What is Origin By GPTZero?

Origin is an AI Detector built by the GPTZero team with the mission of preserving an internet for authentic human content. In an AI-filled world, every human deserves to know the source of each piece of information.

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4.6/5 based on 5 reviews
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Adelene Jennifer
•3 reviews
Hi! Adelene here, That's absolutely right! AI-generated content has the potential to revolutionize information verification and combat misinformation. With the ability to analyze and verify large amounts of data quickly for my Content, AI can help us separate fact from fiction. It's a powerful tool that can empower users to make informed decisions and ensure the authenticity of the information they encounter. By harnessing the capabilities of GPTZero, we can work towards a more reliable and trustworthy information landscape. Am using it on a regular basis to spot the Contents.
Md. Fakhruddin Gazzali ,160041014
•1 review
Wow !! Greta Job GPTZero team !! I have just installed the Chrome extension and will give it a try soon! However, as an avid Firefox user, I would like to know if you have any plans to create or release add-ons for the Firefox browser.
Leslie Loyd
•1 review
An important tool for instructors. My students learn to think when they craft their own essays. Until they understand this truth for themselves, GPTZero is an essential safeguard for their intellectual growth.
Sarah Yost
•1 review
As a high school teacher, this is a product that is incredibly helpful. I've used Origin SO MANY TIMES over the past week and it is fantastic. It's easy to use and works great!
Jessica Chee
•2 reviews
Very easy to use and works very well!
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