Someone on here mentioned on here it was a dangous Game? and You tell yourself its drama free and it does look like a good game to play for ''Everybody'' to get into because on the game theres no real player interaction keyword ''Online'' without using another app called Campfire to comuite with another player write messages to them and join groups and whatever esle. But, I agree how its teachinally can be harmful to those that aren't looking at their surroundings carefully and now how it can raise the steaks up for safety conerns simply because of these reasons we have turned in a local player on the game for stalking / herassing my boyfriend, our group of friends,and myself.
My Story: I first started off as team Yellow switch is team instact. My boyfriend started with team Valor team red and the rest of our group went with team red Valor and Team Blue Team Mystic. We started about the same time, about Six months back and I have already changed my USERNAME & Team because of this player on the game so we didn't become more of targets for her. She's Harassing, Stalking or even both! everybody in our group and giving my team a bad rep in person chatting with other locals, My Team was Team Yellow (Instact) because I was orginally on the same team as this other player that trys to troll everyone esle on oppsite teams, But I got fedup with it all and felt like my friends and my boyfriend was getting attacked at the gyms they just left from not even 20-45 mins by placing a Pokemon into the active Gyms. I fed bad I couldn't help them at all! Till my boyfriend and I decided lets go full team Valor so we changed our names for the Gym Battle reasons because of this player simply just targetting us from the any local Gym. However, we was unware of the local Gym wars that happens everyday in our hometown. The most of our Pokemon Go Community Players trys to battle her during the day that they think she isn't active some players add her as friend just see if shes online or not so they can plan to take over any local gym that she has already had for hours or days on end.
This drama seeking player hontesty belives everything is her Gyms and Pokestops. We have an large amount of Gyms in the area theres no reason of this player to have full acess of the whole town when theres over 30 gyms in the town and more in the surrounding area. This Player will hunt you down when she starts getting notifcations her Pokemon has returned,and She's what we call a troll. She will show up in her vehicle and will not get out of it, She drives around all day and sometimes nights just to monitor her Gyms when their getting attacked and will come to that local spot where her pokemon is getting attacked at that current gym and will try to defend it in person the best she can and will follow you to the next Pokestop or Gym. She lied to the local cop that she doesn't do this but we have proof Pictures and videos that says other wise. Our local PD pretty much doesn't want to be bothered with the matter and told us if we don't like it and don't feel safe to take her to court now and get a restationing order against her. She pretty much got a warning don't do it again but she wont listen she likes to test the waters. Shes basicly mad because we found a loopole in the system, If you attack a gym and don't put any in it the attacker has up to 30 mins to pick a pokemon to place in a gym and she doens't know what our usernames are and run back to the group to talk to them and tell them how were bad for not following facebook group rules? But However taking the Gym and not putting in a Pokemon leaving it complety empty, this is what we have been doing to her since we don't have high level Pokemon or the correct resources (Berries & Max Revives) to do full on war battle against her in person because were just getting started on the game decently ourselves were level 37s VS shes level 50 she has the upper hand when it comes to battling gyms. Well, we as small group who cares about sharing the gyms with every team started doing this to try to make attempts to keep her out of it because if we would have stuck more Pokemon of our own we would have lost them all and it would have been a wasted effort to try to break her from taking every gym. If You try to say anything about this to her or her allies since we are leaving the Gyms empty for other players to enjoy, They all pretty much don't like that their getting out smarted by a group of newbies. Their Defense statement is '' You, Need to join the local Facebook Group and You need to read the feed on this facebook group and read the local chat and every local player needs to honor the group terms and agreements for the local area''. More than less saying, We have to bow down to them because were newbies at the game and we catch on their game not allowing nobody full-acess to having a Local Gym for long. This is Cyberbulling, Stalking,and Harassment at its finest any way you look at it. I Strongly suggest Pokemon Go into hiring a very skilled customer sevice team to help with this matter otherwise, their gonna be losing a huge mount of players from this area and if other players that are high levels start becoming more greedy about sharing the gyms with low levels than their gonna have a problem on their hands. The Chat Bot has took over Pokemon Go Chat with us feature since You can't get a real customer care agent to talk too anyways, So... I hope they do read the most recent reports I left for the Pokemon Go Chat with us Bot and read this review here because our Local PD doesn't really want to be bothered with this game and You can tell it by how they acted and handled the situation.
Pokemon Go's App rating is for Everyone however Facebook's app rating is for Teens and older adults. Our Community is asking questions why is Pokemon Go not forcing their terms of sevice and agreements of use of the game against people like this who wants to test the waters like this in person. This Game is no longer ''Fun or meant for Everyone'' with this player doing what she does bullying everybody that is local and telling them to join facebook groups when they don't want too just to hear or see more drama she post about other players breaking her rules on the game by attacking the gym shes located. She told our local PD that plays 12+ hrs and she feels like she didn't do any wrong by coming to a public area just to play the game with other players who are active on the game that knocked her out of gyms and shes defending them. This player is such drama Queen she told the cop to tell us in person more than less stop making the gyms Grey or empty and we needed to choose a side a team RED,YELLOW, OR BLUE! so I assume this is the reason why she wants that to happened this way so she can get our username(s) and keep targeting us personally without knocking the whole team out of the gym if theres more players in it or that was invition back to Yellow team like Join me and I wont attack that simply pretty much how I took it when the Cop was explaining to us what she said on her side of the story about us turning her in. The Cop was more than less saying Join the Facebook group and settle the drama more than less between us... not realizing or caring about how this game is meant for everyone Children, Teens,and Adults not everybody wants to Join Facebook or a random Facebook Group thats local just hear a bunch of local BS rules that doesn't match up with the games' terms of service.
Was playing pokemong go for a while
With the recent update Niantic showed their true face
Not recommended to anybody to play pokemon go at tis point, avatars look ugly, removing items from shop
Hopefully someone will remake pokemon go who actually cares about their playerbase
Very dangerous game, I've had over 600 people tresspassing because of this game. People have tried running over our animals on my property because we wont allow them to tresspass. The support is a -100/10 I have emailed them on multiple occasions since the game came out around 2016 and they haven't been ANY HELP. This game should be shut down for the safety of everyone. I've heard of countless people dying because of this game and the game takes 0 fault. Absolutely disgusting people.
This review is based on my opinions over the current issues and I suggest common solutions brainstorming ideas how to fix the game from a hobbyist gamers' point of view.
Pokémon Go needs several new upgrades and need to run more affordable deals in their shop or drop the prices of the merchandise in the game of store.
Pokemon GO current issues are the avatars their not fully customizable as they claimed in the new updated version of Pokémon Go. The female avatars are not as appealing to the eye due to the update causing them to lose their classic feminmine charm. Pokémon Go added different body sizes from very slim to plus size to the avatars however they failed to make better clothing options for the plus avaters due to the old merchandise (clothing) does glitch on the plus size avaters or doesn't look that well on the new avaters so choosing an outfit for a plus size avatar can be challenging. But however as far customizable avatars Pokémon Go didn't add a height measurement scale feature to shorten or make the avaters tall. Other Missing features with the customizing your avater: arms, shoulders,legs, and hips scales are not available features to your personalized avatar so customizing the avatars does have their limitations. The new hairstyles could use more options for different hairstyles their limited also.
Pokémon Go should add makeup as a feature to the female avatars to help make them look more feminmine. The female avatars look too masculine in my opinion. Pokémon Go it's time for the store have a major upgrade for clothing.
Okay, now we have the avaters talked about now lets continue on the next few flaws.
Once a friendship has reached full maximum of "Lucky Friends" please fix the issues most users have when someone decides to delete a user make sure both parties gets equal experience points. If someone deletes a user they should get what experience points both parties earned during the time of being friends.
The System is out dated as far trying to level up by yourself the raid bosses are too hard to solo raid bosses by yourself and specialty if you live rural places where not many people play the game or if the user doesn't have that any friends and their all low levels on the game it does matter how strong your Pokémon are and if their able to battle raid bosses but most likely you have turn other individuals for help when leveling up and to battle raid bosses unfortunately you'll be awhile leveling up individually and most like unable to take on a 3 or higher star raid battle by yourself. Most users turn to these Pokemon Go social groups on social media to add random users to collect daily gifts and to add random people to help with raids. I feel like you shouldn't have to add a bunch of random people around the world just to level up in a game thats my opinion there should be more tasks or daily missions to earn more free stardust and other merchandise along with more experience points going towards leveling up more quickly.
Daily limit and Pokecoins limits.
Daily limit shouldn't be anymore due to having to add random people on the game means accepting alot of gifts to earn friendship exp and your exp level. People buy storage why not change the daily limit to storage bag limit? This makes so much more sense and storage prices are more affordable than buying most of the items out of shop and you grow your storage bag by 50 plus more items to accumulate for the users by accepting the gifts from the people on the friends list or atleast make the daily limit more flexible towards the friends list if a user has 100 friends you should be able to open 40-50 gifts from their friends.
Another helpful feature that could be helpful add a automatic button that opens all gifts at once.
Raid passes is another issue in this matter Pokémon Go dont refund the raid passes once in a lobby and if the lobby goes empty and its just you remaining in the lobby because everyone in that ghosted you in that lobby you get the feeling everyone wasted a raid pass before even battling the raid boss and I feel like this a ripoff if your a low level and you're trusting the lobby to stay there but they all ghost you by leaving the lobby completely.
Pokecoins shouldn't have a limit if you get back your Pokémon out of gyms as a prize for defending the gym. Thats bad news when you get more pokemon knocked out gyms and for someone trying not to spend alot of money on the game...
Niantic CEO stated they had a mission when they removed raid passes. Clearly this is not a mission to make the game affordable, it’s to trap players into spending money on in person items and essentially make the game unplayable without spending money. It’s ridiculous how pokemon are now released requiring raids to complete. Wild spawns during events have been horrid, and that’s not my opinion, it’s the voice of millions of players, just sort reviews by most recent and try to find a 5 star one. I’ve played for 8 years, done multiple in person events, and had so much fun, but I play this game to catch wild pokemon, in my urban town, not complete raids. Please nianitc, John Hanke, rethink your mission or you’re going to shoot your game right into the ground.
It's really frustrating. Every time I'm about to win a battle, my Pokémon gets stuck there until it times out or I have to restart. I've lost a lot of points because of this. It's happened countless times.
Not that Great of a Game anymore to play! Poor Customer Service, Doesn't care about playerbase due to changes of prices of the in game store they wen't very expense with their prices on shop items that was once cheap and affordable in store.
Doesn't look like their gonna lower the prices down to something affordable now.