I loved using this app to get in touch with people in groups going to the same festivals. Gives a chance to ya shy people to connect
A fun, engaging, and informative community that fills the much needed network within the EDM scene, brought to your phone. Incredible product that’s changing weekly to improve the user experience.
Love this app. It’s made my festival experiences so much better, especially as someone who doesn’t have a lot of friends that like going to festivals. Now I h e a whole new friend group that I made from using Radiate. It’s been awesome being part of the Radiate community and way more people need to hear about it!
I just want to say thank you to the app developers for making a great app so I can connect to so many like minded people!
Radiate has helped make possible the forming of great friendships and connections for many of us who love to travel to various music festivals. Using this app can help make much more feasible ways to make festival experiences more achievable. For instance when traveling to festivals, oftentimes it’s far cheaper to share hotel or lodging costs and it’s also safer and more enjoyable to share the experiences with others who may otherwise be going it alone. Radiate helps create so many of these connections that lead to better experiences.