This simply needs to exist. And the execution so far by the Reforge team is fantastic! Developers have GitHub, designers have Dribbble, but that leaves everyone else with no real platform to share their work. Artifacts allows the rest of us focused on product, growth, marketing and more to have a place to find and share our work product in the form of favorite tactics, frameworks, resources, etc. Really looking forward to seeing Artifacts grows and become an indispensable network.
Knowing what good looks like is a cheat code for anyone trying to create these artifacts in their company. So impressed by the willingness to share across these and props to Reforge for bringing this level of visibility to these best practices across critical docs for company success.
Congrats @bbalfour @danwolch and team on the wider launch!!
Artifacts is a game changer for operators in product growth, marketing and engineering.
Such a comprehensive library of work to learn from, take inspiration from, and accelerate your own initiatives.
Proud to have shared a bunch of artifacts on the platform and hope they prove useful to folks!
I've published a dozen artifacts on Reforge and used even more. It's an incredible product that I'm amazed hasn't existed before now. Reforge is the absolute best team to build it and the product is top notch. Congrats @bbalfour @danwolch and team!
Congrats to the team! This is awesome.
Learning from an actual operator who has done it before (and recently) is infinitely more valuable than scrolling through youtube or signing up for a general topic course elsewhere that isn't quite what you need.
Love it!
PMs often struggle with bridging the gap between product management theory and practice: and these artefacts hit the spot by shedding light on how other companies actually implement (often world class) product practices. I'm so grateful for this resource - and that many others like myself get access for free.
Thanks, Reforge team!
@bbalfour @danwolch
I really liked the execution (especially on the writer's side). like how manual it was at the start and gradually going on the automation/stats etc. (Classic example of doing things that don't scale at first and then ππ)
My favorite: (this is mine :D)