I was hoping he'd incorporate his handwritten style you see featured in a lot of his videos.
Casey has been my favorite vlogger before he even becomes a vlogger. It was back when he made one of his first youtube videos with the bike lanes. Way too back. These designs are so not Casey style. He has a spesific trademark and a cool handwritting but he chose to put his CN initials, that the only thing I can relate them to, is China. Hopefully he will get the feedback and make different designs.
Casey is like one of the first-shooter vlog Gods from my city and shirts is what he could come up? Smells like a cry for cash to me (i could totally be wrong).
I liked Casey Neistat because he created a new category of creator. This "march" move is just sad and the logo is terrible. Would rather see the signature logo that I am sure all followers of Casey are familiar with.