sunbox solar backup - Clean, Independent Backup Power is launching self-install solar for backup in apartments, back yard, balcony. This is an experiment: shipping powerful, self-installable, mid-sized kits to anyone within the US and Puerto Rico. See for specs, etc
sunboxlabs solar kit - Landlord-friendly, self-install Solar + Battery Kit. is launching self-install solar for your apartment, back yard or balcony. This is an experiment: shipping powerful, self-installable, mid-sized kits to anyone within the US and Puerto Rico. See for specs, etc
sunboxlabs - self-contained solar systems with off-the-shelf parts
sunboxlabs helps you build DIY self-contained solar + battery systems from off-the-shelf parts. Parts currently $224 off Amazon or .71 Ether directly from us (US-only). Like the drone movement started with how-to guides on the web, we think solar and batteries are at a point where it's now feasible to build your own.